Acronym | Definition |
NIBA➣National Insurance Brokers Association (Australia; established 1982) |
NIBA➣Northern Ireland Bowling Association (UK) |
NIBA➣Northern Illinois Beekeepers Association |
NIBA➣National Introducing Brokers Association (est. 1991) |
NIBA➣Natal Inland Bowling Association (Scottsville, South Africa) |
NIBA➣Neurologia Infantil Buenos Aires (Spanish: Child Neurology Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
NIBA➣National Industrial Belting Association |
NIBA➣Northwest Indian Bar Association |
NIBA➣Nederlands Instituut Buenos Aires (Dutch: Dutch Institute of Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires, Argentina) |
NIBA➣National Investment Bankers Association |
NIBA➣Norwegian-Irish Business Association |
NIBA➣North of Ireland Bands Association (UK) |
NIBA➣Network Integrated Biological Alliance |
NIBA➣National Indian Business Association, Inc. |