

 [lum″bo-kos´t'l] pertaining to the loin and ribs.


(lŭm'bō-kos'tăl), 1. Relating to the lumbar and the hypochondriac regions. 2. Relating to the lumbar vertebrae and the ribs; denoting a ligament connecting the first lumbar vertebra with the neck of the twelfth rib. [L. lumbus, loin, + costa, rib]


(lŭm'bō-kos'tăl) 1. Relating to the lumbar and the hypochondriac regions. 2. Relating to the lumbar vertebrae and the ribs; denoting a ligament connecting the first lumbar vertebra with the neck of the twelfth rib. [L. lumbus, loin, + costa, rib]