Acronym | Definition |
OSF➣Oregon Shakespeare Festival (Ashland, Oregon) |
OSF➣Our Stolen Future (Theo Colborn book) |
OSF➣Open Society Foundation (New York, NY) |
OSF➣Open Software Foundation |
OSF➣Old Spaghetti Factory (US restaurant chain) |
OSF➣Open System Foundation |
OSF➣Operations System Function |
OSF➣One Step Further |
OSF➣Open Side Flanker |
OSF➣Orthoptera Species File |
OSF➣Order of St. Francis (Catholic group) |
OSF➣Operating System Firmware |
OSF➣Office of School Facilities (various locations) |
OSF➣Office of Space Flight |
OSF➣Ouachita Student Foundation (Arkadelphia, AR) |
OSF➣Operational Support Facility |
OSF➣Open Systems Foundation |
OSF➣Osaka Securities Financing (Japan) |
OSF➣Optimistes sans Frontieres (French: Optimists without Borders; Belgium) |
OSF➣Oil Stabilization Fund |
OSF➣Office of Sustainable Fisheries (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) |
OSF➣Objective Simulation Framework (US DoD) |
OSF➣Offset Field |
OSF➣Operations Support Flight |
OSF➣Ordinateurs sans Frontieres (French: Computers without Borders) |
OSF➣Operations System Function (ANSI) |
OSF➣Off Side Front (automotive suspension) |
OSF➣Oxidation-induced Stacking Fault |
OSF➣Open Source Food (est. 2008) |
OSF➣Oklahoma State Fair, Inc. (Oklahoma City, OK) |
OSF➣Osaki Sports Foundation (Japan) |
OSF➣Office of Strategic Finance |
OSF➣Occupiable Square Feet |
OSF➣Other Structures and Facilities |
OSF➣Ordinis Sancti Francisci (of the order of St Francis) |
OSF➣Open Software Forum |
OSF➣Office Systems Family |
OSF➣Ordnance Storage Facility |
OSF➣Franciscan Brothers or Sisters (religious order) |
OSF➣Organizational Structure Facility |
OSF➣Omega Sector Fleetyards (Halo gaming) |
OSF➣Obtain Service From |
OSF➣Congregation of Servants of Holy Infancy Jesus (religious order) |
OSF➣Oversubscription Factor (Cisco) |
OSF➣Oyster Strike Force |
OSF➣Ordered Statistics Filter |
OSF➣On-Site Familiarization |
OSF➣OpenSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Software Foundation (Adamstown, MD) |