释义 |
Morgagni, Giovanni B Morgagni, Giovanni B (mor-gag'ne, -gan'ye) Italian pathological anatomist, 1682–1771. morgagnian (mor-gan'e-an), adjectiveMorgagni's caruncleThe middle prostatic lobe.Morgagni's cataractCataract that is hypermature with a softened cortex and a hard nucleus.Morgagni's cystA cystlike remnant of the müllerian duct that is attached to the fallopian tube.Morgagni's hydatidCystlike remains of müllerian duct attached to testicle or oviduct.Morgagni's hyperostosisHyperostosis of the frontal bones of the head, possibly associated with obesity, headache, amenorrhea, diabetes, multiple endocrine abnormalities, and various neuropsychiatric disturbances. Synonym: frontal internal hyperostosisMorgagni's rectal columnsVertical ridges in the upper half of the anal canal produced by infolding mucosa over a venous plexus.Morgagni's ventricleThe space on the lateral wall of each side of the larynx between the true and false vocal cords. Synonym: ventricle of larynx |