Meromyza Saltatrix
Meromyza Saltatrix
a dipterous insect of the family Chloropidae. It is muddy yellow in color and has three longitudinal black stripes on its abdomen. Body length, 3–4 mm. The green larva is cylindrical and slightly pointed at the ends and measures up to 7 mm long. Meromyza saltatrix is distributed in Europe, Northern Siberia, and Middle Asia. Larvae of the spring generation develop in the stems of spring grains, causing considerable damage: the injured stems do not produce spikes=. The second (summer) generation, which develops primarily on wild grasses, and sometimes on winter plantings, usually does little damage. Control measures include scuffling the stubble, autumn plowing, destruction of wild grasses, early sowing of spring grains, and planting early-spiking varieties.