Minuvshie Gody

Minuvshie Gody


a monthly journal devoted to the history of the social movement in Russia. It was published in St. Petersburg in 1908, replacing the journal Byloe, which had been closed down in 1907. A total of 12 issues appeared. V. Bogucharskii and P. E. Shchegolev were the actual although not official editors of the journal, which published valuable material on the Decembrists, the members of the Petrashevskii Circle, the revolutionary narodnik movement of the 1870’s and 1880’s, the Revolution of 1905–07, and the history of political investigation, imprisonment, and exile. Persecution by the censorship caused the journal to cease publication in December 1908.


Sil’chevskii, D. P. Ukazatel’k zhurnalu “Minuvshie gody” za 1908 g. St. Petersburg, 1908.