mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

mes·an·gi·al pro·lif·er·a·tive glo·mer·u·lo·ne·phri·tis

glomerulonephritis characterized clinically by nephrotic syndrome and histologically by diffuse glomerular increases in endocapillary and mesangial cells and in mesangial matrix; in some cases, there are mesangial deposits of IgM and complement. Synonym(s): diffuse mesangial proliferation, IgM nephropathy

mes·an·gi·al pro·lif·er·a·tive glo·mer·u·lo·ne·phri·tis

(mes-an'jē-ăl prō-lif'ĕr-ă-tiv glō-mer'yū-lō-nĕ-frī'tis) Disorder characterized clinically by the nephrotic syndrome and histologically by diffuse glomerular increases in endocapillary and mesangial cells and in mesangial matrix; in some cases, there are mesangial deposits of IgM and complement.