plants that grow under medium conditions of soil moisture; they constitute the intermediate group between xerophytes and hygrophytes. Mesophytes are prevalent in temperate regions; however, many grow in tropical and subtropical forests. Mesophytes in temperate regions include deciduous trees and shrubs, many meadow grasses (clover, timothy), numerous forest grasses (lily of the valley, sorrel), and some early-spring steppe and desert annuals and biennials (ephemerals). Mesophytes found in open, sunny areas (in meadows or steppes) are photophilic, while those growing in shady places (in forests or amid shrubs) are shade tolerant. Many crops and weeds are mesophytes.
Maksimov, N. A. Izbrannye rabotypo zasukhoustoichivosti i zimostoikosti rastenii, vol. 1. Moscow, 1952.Genkel’, P. A. “Fiziologiia ustoichivosti rastitel’nykh organizmov.” In Fiziologiia sel’skokhoziaistvennykh rastenii, vol. 3. Moscow, 1967.