lingual frenulum

fren·u·lum of tongue

[TA] a fold of mucous membrane extending from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the undersurface of the tongue. Synonym(s): frenulum linguae [TA], lingual frenulum, vinculum linguae

lingual frenulum

A fold of mucosa that arises from the floor of the mouth, joins medially and connects to the posterior surface of the tongue.

fren·u·lum of tongue

(fren'yū-lŭm tŭng) [TA] Fold of mucous membrance extending from floor of mouth to midline of the undersurface of tongue.
Synonym(s): lingual frenulum.

fren·u·lum of tongue

(fren'yū-lŭm tŭng) [TA] Fold of mucous membrane extending from floor of mouth to midline of the undersurface of tongue.
Synonym(s): lingual frenulum.