oesophageal varices

e·soph·a·ge·al va·ri·ces

(ĕ-sof'ă-jē'ăl var'i-sēz) Longitudinal venous varices at the lower end of the esophagus as a result of portal hypertension; they are superficial and liable to ulceration and massive bleeding.
Synonym(s): oesophageal varices.

oesophageal varices

Varicose veins, often large, occurring at the lower end of the gullet (oesophagus) in conditions such as CIRRHOSIS of the liver in which there is severe restriction to the flow of blood from the intestine to the liver in the PORTAL VEIN. Such varices may bleed dangerously and this is treated by means of compression with a balloon and by injections which cause the blood in the veins to clot.

e·soph·a·ge·al va·ri·ces

(ĕ-sof'ă-jē'ăl var'i-sēz) Longitudinal venous varices at lower end of esophagus as a result of portal hypertension; superficial and liable to ulceration and massive bleeding.