Berle, Adolf Augustus

Berle, Adolf Augustus


Born Jan. 29, 1895, in Boston. American economist and jurist. Former professor at Columbia Law School.

Berle graduated from Harvard University in 1913. From 1945 to 1946 he served as ambassador to Brazil. Berle is the author of many books on problems in economics, law, and foreign policy. He advocates the idea of converting private capitalistic property into a public capitalistic property system. This idea has served to distract workers from the class struggle and to defend capitalism. Berle laid the foundation for the bourgeois-apologetic theory of the “managerial revolution,” according to which power in the monopolies has passed, so to speak, into the hands of the hired administrators—the managers. Hence, Berle’s thesis is called “power without property.”


The Twentieth Century Capitalist Revolution. New York, 1954.
Power Without Property: A New Development in American Political Economy. New York, 1959.
The American Economic Republic. New York, 1963.