Acronym | Definition |
NPA➣Newspaper Publishers Association |
NPA➣Numbering Plan Area (telephony, the so-called Area Code) |
NPA➣Non Performing Assets |
NPA➣NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Phonetic Alphabet |
NPA➣New People's Army (Philippines) |
NPA➣Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (French political party) |
NPA➣Norwegian People's Aid |
NPA➣Non-Prosecution Agreement (crimes) |
NPA➣Nutrition and Physical Activity (various organizations) |
NPA➣Notice of Proposed Amendment |
NPA➣Non-Precision Approach |
NPA➣New Public Administration (concept) |
NPA➣National Pigeon Association |
NPA➣National Parking Association |
NPA➣Not Paying Attention |
NPA➣National Production Authority (USA) |
NPA➣National Partnership Agreement (various locations) |
NPA➣National Ports Authority |
NPA➣National Plan of Action for Children (various locations) |
NPA➣Nationwide Programmatic Agreement (FCC) |
NPA➣Nasopharyngeal Aspirate (medical procedure) |
NPA➣Nursing Practice Act (various states) |
NPA➣National Protected Area |
NPA➣Number Portability Area |
NPA➣Numbering Plan Area |
NPA➣Network Point of Attachment |
NPA➣Netware Peripheral Architecture |
NPA➣No Permanent Address |
NPA➣Notional Principal Amount |
NPA➣Nulle Part Ailleurs |
NPA➣Non Partisan Association (political party) |
NPA➣National Park Area (various locations) |
NPA➣Normal Pension Age |
NPA➣New Product Announcement |
NPA➣New Partnership Agreement (various organizations) |
NPA➣National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities (US DHHS) |
NPA➣National Pharmaceutical Association |
NPA➣Northwest Perennial Alliance (nonprofit gardening organizations in Washington state) |
NPA➣National Powersport Auctions (Poway, CA) |
NPA➣New Product Approval |
NPA➣Network Professional Association (self-regulating, non-profit association of network computing professionals) |
NPA➣National Particleboard Association (Gaithersburg, MD) |
NPA➣North Perry Airport (Hollywood, FL) |
NPA➣National Pediculosis Association |
NPA➣National Prescription Audit |
NPA➣Never Paint Again (UK) |
NPA➣Northland Preparatory Academy (Flagstaff, AZ) |
NPA➣National Personnel Associates (Grand Rapids, MI) |
NPA➣National Planning Agency (various organizations) |
NPA➣National Perinatal Association |
NPA➣Non-Public Assistance (various locations) |
NPA➣Neighborhood Planning Area (various locations) |
NPA➣National Pasta Association (Washington, DC) |
NPA➣Notice of Proposed Assessment |
NPA➣Non-Profit Agency |
NPA➣Northern Pipeline Agency (Canada) |
NPA➣National Performing Arts (various locations) |
NPA➣National Priority Area (various locations) |
NPA➣No Political Affiliation |
NPA➣New Partnership Approach |
NPA➣Notification of Personnel Action (US Army) |
NPA➣National Policy Association |
NPA➣No Police Action |
NPA➣Non Precision Approaches (aviation) |
NPA➣National Pilots Association |
NPA➣New Product Application |
NPA➣Nippon Pulse America (Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd.) |
NPA➣Numéro Postal d'Acheminement (French: Postal Code, Switzerland) |
NPA➣Network Provider Access |
NPA➣National Paperbox Association |
NPA➣Northern Prospectors Association (Canada) |
NPA➣Newspaper Preservation Actof 1970 |
NPA➣Network Printing Alliance |
NPA➣Net Punting Average (football) |
NPA➣New Pioneers Awards |
NPA➣National Paralegal Association |
NPA➣National Parenting Association |
NPA➣Nordic Planetarium Association |
NPA➣National Pathways Association |
NPA➣Nanopyramid Array |
NPA➣Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (Pittston, PA) |
NPA➣Non-Partisan Alliance (Canada) |
NPA➣Net Pay Advice |
NPA➣National Porn Association |
NPA➣Near Point of Accommodation (ophthalmology) |
NPA➣Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL (ICAO Airport Code) |
NPA➣Network Planning Area |
NPA➣Nantes Poker Association (Nantes, France) |
NPA➣Nuclear Physics Apparatus |
NPA➣National Patent Association |
NPA➣Naso Pharyngeal Airway |
NPA➣National Phreaks Association |
NPA➣National Prostate Association |
NPA➣Netherlands Police Academy |
NPA➣National Pharmacopoeia Authorities (WHO) |
NPA➣Network Programmers Association |
NPA➣Postal Affairs Section Publications (US Navy) |
NPA➣Naval Procurement Account (US Navy) |
NPA➣Nurse Practitioner Alternatives, Inc. |
NPA➣Normal Production Allowance |
NPA➣NATO Participation Act of 1994 |
NPA➣NEPO-PA - North Eastern Probe Owners, Pennsylvania Chapter |
NPA➣Network Program Analysis |
NPA➣Nut Processors Association |
NPA➣Non Published Area |
NPA➣Northwest Pharmacists Association |
NPA➣None Portable Apparatus |
NPA➣Network Project Area |
NPA➣Non Personal Account (banking) |
NPA➣National Procrastinators Association |