atrial standstill

a·tri·al stand·'still

cessation of atrial contractions, marked by absence of atrial waves in the electrocardiogram. Synonym(s): auricular standstill

atrial standstill

A transient or permanent electrical atrial failure—and non-contractility of atria—which is seen in patients with familial amyloidosis and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, possibly due to perineural infiltration.
Absent P waves.
Absent A waves.
Molecular pathology
Congenital atrial standstill is linked to a mutation of SCN5A, which encodes a voltage-gated sodium channel.

a·tri·al stand·still

(ā'trē-ăl stand'stil) Cessation of atrial contractions, marked by absence of atrial waves in the electrocardiogram.