

单词 lips



L0190900 (lĭp)n.1. Anatomy a. Either of two fleshy structures that surround the opening of the mouth in humans and other mammals.b. In humans, the smooth brownish to reddish border of the lip.2. A structure or part that encircles or bounds an orifice, as:a. Anatomy A labium.b. The margin of flesh around a wound.c. Either of the margins of the aperture of a gastropod shell.d. A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater.3. Botany One of the two divisions of a bilabiate corolla or calyx, as in the snapdragon, or the modified median petal of an orchid flower.4. The tip of a pouring spout, as on a pitcher.5. Slang Insolent talk.tr.v. lipped, lip·ping, lips 1. a. To touch the lips to.b. To kiss.2. To utter.3. To lap or splash against.4. Sports To hit a golf ball so that it touches the edge of (the hole) without dropping in.
[Middle English, from Old English lippa; see leb- in Indo-European roots.]
lip′less adj.



See Also: MOUTH

  1. An upper lip shaped like a circumflex accent —Eric Ambler Drew her lips into a thin wiggly line like fish bait —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  2. Full lips like a French movie star —Ira Wood
  3. Her lips glistened as if she’d just eaten a pound of vaseline —Sarah Bird
  4. Her lips looked … delicious, as though if you bit them it would be like biting into a sweetmeat, one of those candies which are filled with a pleasant warming liquid —Ben Ames Williams
  5. His lips, like those of all men who work, were puckered up like a bag with the string drawn tight —Honoré de Balzac
  6. His lips were tightened in a thin line, as if he had them sewn together to keep from vomiting —Robert J. Serling
  7. His lips were too red, as if he had a hangover —Louise Erdrich
  8. His long lips tightened, as if he sought to conquer pain —Frank Swinnerton
  9. Lips always compressed as if to keep back a swarm of curses —George Garrett
  10. Lips as bloodless as lips of the slain —John Greenleaf Whittier
  11. Lips … as glossy as ripe cherries —Anton Chekhov
  12. Lips delicate as peach-toned porcelain —Jayne Anne Phillips
  13. Lips … drawn in a tight line like the lips of a child not quite ready to take a dose of bad-tasting medicine —George Garrett
  14. Lips … dry and faint as her tea leaves —Shirley Ann Grau
  15. Lips full as thighs —Lyn Lifshin
  16. Lips like a thread of scarlet —The Holy Bible/Song of Solomon
  17. Lips like lilies —The Holy Bible/Song of Solomon
  18. Lips … like pale velvet —Jimmy Sangster
  19. Lips like sausages —John D. MacDonald
  20. Lips … like the petals of a red flower —Oscar Wilde
  21. Lips like wet cherries —Virginia Woolf
  22. Lips moved noisily, smacking like a three-day thirst —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  23. Lips … red as two buds —Louise Erdrich
  24. Lips … set in exasperation, as if she had just been about to say something and found out her voice was snatched in death —Louise Erdrich
  25. Lips … shining like rain on night streets —Jayne Anne Phillips
  26. Lips that, like a ventriloquist’s, scarcely stirred —Katherine Bush
  27. Lips that looked as if she were permanently whistling —Mike Fredman
  28. Lips that shine wetly, just like a Cosmo girl —George Garrett
  29. Lips that stand out from his skin like two thick weals —Aldous Huxley
  30. Lips tighter than any knot —Tim O’Brien
  31. Lips trembling like elastic stretched too taut —George Garrett
  32. A long blue upper lip, like a priest —Joyce Cary
  33. The muscles of her chapped lips were broken and loose like the snap of an old purse —Gerald Kersh
  34. Pursed his lips as if he were just before receiving a terrible blow —Richard Ford
  35. Set her lips as though she would never speak again —Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  36. Sharp-pointed lips stretched out like a slingshot —Bobbie Ann Mason
  37. She kept closing her lips over her teeth and then pursing her lips, so that she looked as though she were going to give somebody a little goodbye kiss —Maeve Brennan
  38. Thick lips … like lozenges of hard rubber —Jonathan Valin
  39. Thin lips fitted tightly together, as though they were parts of a very well-made piece of furniture —Aldous Huxley
  40. An upper lip that twiched softly, like a cow’s in a fly-ridden summer —Penelope Gilliatt



(Logical Inferences Per Second) The unit of measurement of the thinking speed of an AI application. Humans do about 2 LIPS. In the computer, one LIPS equals from 100 to 1,000 instructions.



(labia). (1)In the majority of gnathostomatous vertebrates, the immobile cutaneous folds that surround the mouth. Lips are absent in tortoises, birds. and adult cloacal mammals. owing to the development of a horny beak on the jaws. A distinction is made between the upper and lower lips. In fish the lips are usually well supplied with gustatory and tactile organs and aid in catching prey. In the majority of amphibians the lips serve to seal the oral cavity during respiration. In reptiles (snakes and lizards) the lips are distinctly expressed and covered externally with horny labial plates. In mammals the lips are mobile, which acquires special significance in adaptation of the young to sucking and of the adult animals to active food capture. Striated musculature develops in the lips. In the elephant, swine, and tapir the upper lip is greatly extended and forms the lower side of the trunk or snout. In cyclostomes the so-called upper lip serves as a sucker. Certain parts of the mouth apparatus are called labia in a number of invertebrates.

In man. the lips are mobile folds that circumscribe the oral cavity anteriorly and are formed of skin and mucous membrane, between which are enclosed the orbicularis oris muscle and the small mimetic muscles. The site of transition from skin to mucous membrane is the vermilion border, which abounds in blood vessels. Sensory innervation of the lips is from the trigeminal nerve.

In anthropology lips are classified according to the thickness, direction, and contour of the upper lip and the width of the mouth opening. Lips are divided, according to thickness, into thin, average, thick, and inflated. The upper lip may protrude (procheilia), have a vertical profile (orthocheilia), or, more rarely, recede (opisthocheilia). The thickest (inflated) lips and procheilia are characteristic of equatorial (Negroid and Australoid) races. Orthocheilia is characteristic of Europoids. The thinnest lips are found in certain peoples of northern Europe and Asia. The upper lip may vary also in contour—concave, straight, or convex. This last is especially characteristic of the pygmies of central Africa and the Semangs (Malacca peninsula). The height and profile of the upper lip, the thickness of the lips, and the width of the mouth vary also with age and sex. Thickness and procheilia diminish with age and sex. Thickness and procheilia diminish with age (after 25 years), while the height of the upper lip and the width of the mouth increase.


Roginskii, Ia. Ia., and M. G. Levin. Antropologiia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1963.
(2)Parts of the external sex organs in the females of some mammals and in women are called lips, or labia, and are divided into the greater pudendal lip (labium majus pudendi) and the lesser pudendal lip (labium minus pudendi).

What does it mean when you dream about lips?

Lips in contemporary culture often represent sensuousness, sex, love, and romance. They are also associated with communication, as in the familiar expression “read my lips.”


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LIPSLinear Inferences per Second
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LIPSLinux Phone Standards
LIPSLinux Phone Standards (Forum)
LIPSLogical Inferences Per Second
LIPSLescol Intervention Prevention Study
LIPSLaboratory for Intelligent Processes and Systems (University of Texas at Austin)
LIPSLong Island Parrot Society
LIPSLitigants in Person Service (UK)
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LIPSLinguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students (for the Workplace)
LIPSLaboratory for Intelligent Process Systems
LIPSLogistics Information Processing System
LIPSLorentz Invariant Phase Space
LIPSLocus Intelligent Point System (Locus Corporation)
LIPSLife Prediction Software
LIPSLadies Initiating Prosperity and Success
LIPSLaboratories of Intelligent and Parallel Systems
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LIPSLaser Impulse Space Propulsion
LIPSLanguage Independent Program Subtitling
LIPSLaboratory Integrated Prioritization System
LIPSLogistics Integrated Process System
LIPSLinear Integrated Processing System
LIPSLine Independent Power Supply
LIPSLCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Integrated Power Supply (various companies)
LIPSLightweight Independent Power System




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