National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

 (NCCAM) an institute of the national institutes of health, dedicated to exploring medicine" >complementary and alternative medicine practices in the context of rigorous science, training researchers in the field, and disseminating authoritative information.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

A division of health care alternatives that operates under the aegis of the US National Institutes of Health.
(1) Explore complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigourous science.
(2) Train complementary and alternative medicine researchers.
(3) Disseminate authoritative information to the public and professionals.

Na·tion·al Cen·ter for Com·ple·men·ta·ry and Al·ter·na·tive Med·i·cine

(NCCAM) (nash'ŏ-năl sen'tĕr kom'plĕ-ment'ă-rē awl-tĕr'nă-tiv med'i-sin) A federal program established to support development and research of complementary and alternative medicines for the safety of the public.