

单词 npl



abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) National Physical Laboratory



(1)New Programming Language. IBM's original (temporary) namefor PL/I, changed due to conflict with England's "NationalPhysical Laboratory." MPL and MPPL were considered beforesettling on PL/I. Sammet 1969, p.542.


(2)A functional language with pattern matching designed byRod Burstall and John Darlington in 1977. The languageallowed certain sets and logic constructs to appear on theright hand side of definitions, E.g.

setofeven(X) <= <:x: :="" even="" in="" x="">

The NPL interpreter evaluates the list of generators fromleft to right so conditions can mention any bound variablesthat occur to their left. These were known as set comprehensions. NPL eventually evolved into Hope but lostset comprehensions which were called list comprehensions inlater functional languages.

[John Darlington, "Program Transformation and Synthesis:Present Capabilities", Research Report No. 77/43, Dept. ofComputing and Control, Imperial College of Science andTechnology, London September 1977.]


(3)NonProcedural Language. A relational database languagedeveloped by T.D. Truitt et al in 1980 for Apple II andMS-DOS.

["An Introduction to Nonprocedural Languages Using NPL",T.D. Truitt et al, McGraw-Hill 1983].


On drawings, abbr. for nipple.



GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for Nepal. The code is used for transactions to and from Nepalese bank accounts and for international shipping to Nepal. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


NPLNational Priorities List (US EPA)
NPLNational Physical Laboratory (UK)
NPLNepal (ISO Country code)
NPLNigeria Premier League (football)
NPLNetscape Public License (based on Mozilla Public License)
NPLNati per Leggere (Italian: Born to Read)
NPLNon Performing Loan (loans in default or close to it)
NPLNashville Public Library (Nashville, TN)
NPLNatural Products Ltd. (AV Thomas Group)
NPLName Processing List
NPLNetscape Public License
NPLnot Proper Label
NPLNational Priorities List
NPLNetwork Password List
NPLNon Procedural Language
NPLNational Physical Laboratory
NPLNewmarket Public Library (Canada)
NPLNorthern Premier League (Britain)
NPLNational Puzzlers' League
NPLNon-Patent Literature
NPLNon-Partisan League
NPLNon-Profit Leadership
NPLNeuro-Linguistic Programming (behavioral science)
NPLNon Parametric Linkage
NPLNaz Project London (UK)
NPLNorthbrook Public Library (Northbrook, IL)
NPLNational Physical Laboratories (India)
NPLNational Paintball League
NPLNormal Power Level (aviation)
NPLNew Product Launch
NPLNoun Plural
NPLNew Plymouth, New Zealand - New Plymouth (Airport Code)
NPLNon Perceived Light
NPLNatural Products Laboratory (Research Triangle Institute)
NPLNo Pay Leave
NPLNuclear Pumped Laser
NPLNorthern Pipe Line (Phoenix, AZ)
NPLNeenah Public Library (Neenah, Wisconsin)
NPLNon Production License
NPLNetwork Planning Letter (Sprint)
NPLNavy Point Loma
NPLNormal Peacetime Location
NPLNewport News Part List
NPLNavigation Payload
NPLNational Price List
NPLNetwork Protocol Library




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