

单词 obsessive-compulsive neurosis
释义 DictionarySeeobsessive-compulsive disorder

obsessive-compulsive neurosis

obsessive-compulsive neurosis

[əb′ses·iv kəm′pəl·siv nü′rō·səs] (psychology) A neurotic disorder in which anxiety relates to obsessions which the individual fights against but cannot control, and by which the person is dominated.

obsessive-compulsive neurosis


 [noo͡-ro´sis] (pl. neuro´ses) former name for a category of mental disorders characterized by anxiety and avoidance behavior. In general, the term has been used to refer to disorders in which the symptoms are distressing to the person, testing" >reality testing does not yield unusual results, behavior does not violate gross social norms, and there is no apparent organic etiology. Such disorders are currently classified as anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, mood disorders, sexual disorders, and somatoform disorders.anxiety neurosis an obsolete term (Freud) for conditions now reclassified as panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.hysterical neurosis a former classification of mental disorders, now divided into conversion disorder and dissociative disorders.obsessive-compulsive neurosis former name for obsessive-compulsive disorder" >obsessive-compulsive disorder.prison neurosis chronophobia" >chronophobia occurring in prisoners having trouble adjusting to a long prison sentence, characterized by feelings of restlessness, panic, anxiety, and claustrophobia" >claustrophobia.transference neurosis a phenomenon occurring in most psychoanalyses" >psychoanalyses, in which the patient undergoes, with the analyst as the object, an intense repetition of childhood conflicts, reexperiencing impulses, feelings, and fantasies that originally developed in relation to the parent.

ob·ses·sive-com·pul·sive neu·ro·sis

a disorder characterized by the persistent and repetitive intrusion of unwanted thoughts, urges, or actions that the person is unable to prevent; the compulsive thoughts may consist of single words, ideas, or ruminations often perceived by the sufferer as nonsensical; the repetitive urges or actions vary from simple movements to complex rituals; anxiety or distress is the underlying emotion or drive state, and the ritualistic behavior is a learned method of reducing the anxiety.
See also: obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Synonym(s): compulsive neurosis, obsessional neurosis




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