

单词 open



O0088300 (ō′pən)adj.1. a. Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed.b. Affording unobstructed passage or view: open waters; the open countryside.2. a. Having no protecting or concealing cover: an open wound; an open sports car.b. Completely obvious; blatant: open disregard of the law.c. Carried on in full view of others; not hidden or private: open warfare; open family strife.d. Sports Not defended or not closely defended by an opponent: an open goal; an open receiver.3. a. Not sealed or tied: an open envelope.b. Spread out; unfolded: an open book.4. Having interspersed gaps, spaces, or intervals: open ranks; an open weave.5. a. Accessible to all; unrestricted as to participants: an open competition.b. Free from limitations, boundaries, or restrictions: open registration.c. Enterable by registered voters regardless of political affiliation: an open primary.d. Computers Of or relating to a file that can be accessed.6. a. Lacking effective regulation: an open town in which gambling predominated.b. Not legally repressed: open drug trafficking.7. a. Susceptible; vulnerable: open to interpretation; an issue that is open to question.b. Willing to consider or deal with something: open to suggestions.8. a. Available; obtainable: The job is still open.b. Available for use: an open account; the only course open to us.9. Ready to transact business: The store is open.10. Not engaged or filled: has an open hour for emergency cases.11. Not yet decided; subject to further thought: an open question.12. a. Characterized by lack of secrecy or reserve; candid: Please be open with me. See Synonyms at frank1.b. Free of prejudice; receptive to new ideas and arguments: She listened to the proposal with an open mind.c. Generous: He is very open with his time.13. Printing a. Widely spaced or leaded. Used of typeset or other printed matter.b. Having constituent elements separated by a space in writing or printing: The word sea lion is an open compound.14. Music a. Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.b. Produced by an unstopped string or hole or without the use of slides, valves, or keys: an open note on a trumpet.c. Played without a mute: an open wind instrument.15. Linguistics a. Articulated with the tongue in a low position, as the vowel in far.b. Ending in a vowel or diphthong: an open syllable.16. Designating a method of punctuation in which commas and other marks are used sparingly.17. Being in operation; live: an open microphone.18. New England Clear. Used of weather. fair119. Electricity Containing a gap across which electricity cannot pass: an open circuit.20. Mathematics a. Of or relating to an interval containing neither of its endpoints.b. Of or being a set such that at least one neighborhood of every point in the set is within the set.c. Of or being a set that is the complement of a closed set.21. Sports a. Having the forward foot farther from the intended point of impact with the ball than the rear foot: an open batting stance.b. Held or swung with the top or outer edge of the striking face pointing slightly farther away from the objective than the lower or inner edge: The club struck the ball with an open face, causing a slice.22. Physics a. Of or relating to an open system.b. Of or relating to an open universe.v. o·pened, o·pen·ing, o·pens v.tr.1. a. To make no longer closed or fastened: open a window.b. To remove obstructions from; clear: open a drain.2. a. To make or force an opening in: The surgeon opened the patient's chest.b. To make (a hole or gap) in something: opened a hole in the levee.c. To form spaces or gaps between: soldiers opening ranks.d. To break the continuity of; make a gap in: open a circuit.3. a. To remove the cover, cork, or lid from: open a jar.b. To remove the wrapping from: open a package.4. a. To move apart or unfold so that the inner parts are displayed; spread out: open a newspaper; open a book.b. To part the lids or lips of: Open your eyes. Open your mouth.5. a. To begin or form the start of; initiate: The scene that opens the novel.b. To begin the operation of: open a new business.c. To begin (the action in a game of cards) by making the first bid, placing the first bet, or playing the first lead.6. To make available for use: opened the area to commercial development; opened the computer file and retrieved some data.7. To make more responsive, understanding, or generous: a question that opened his mind to a different way of looking at the problem.8. To make known to the public: opened the formerly classified files to reporters.9. Sports To modify (one's stance), as in baseball or golf, so that it is open.10. a. To perform as the first act of (a concert, for example): An up-and-coming rock group opened the music festival.b. To perform prior to the main act of (a concert, for example): Two different bands opened the concert on Friday night.v.intr.1. To become no longer closed or fastened: The door opened slowly.2. To draw apart; separate: The wound opened under pressure.3. To spread apart; unfold: The tulips opened.4. To come into view; become revealed: The plain opened before us.5. To become responsive, understanding, or generous: His heart finally opened, and he understood her disappointment.6. a. To be or serve as a beginning; commence: The meeting opened with a call to order.b. To give an initial statement in a trial.c. To begin business or operation: The store opens early on Saturday.d. To be performed, shown, or made available to the public for the first time: The play opens next week.e. To be priced or listed at a specified amount when trading begins: Shares opened high and fell sharply.f. To make a bid, bet, or lead in starting a game of cards.7. To give access: The room opens onto a terrace.8. a. To perform as the first act of a multi-act performance: The singer was nervous to open for so many talented musicians.b. To perform prior to the main act of a multi-act performance: The young comedians were thrilled to open for such a well-known standup comic.n.1. An unobstructed area of land or water: sailed out of the harbor into the open.2. The outdoors: camping in the open.3. An undisguised or unconcealed state: brought the problem out into the open.4. A tournament or contest in which both professional and amateur players may participate.5. A beginning: Shares were down at the market open.Phrasal Verb: open up1. To spread out; unfold: A green valley opened up before us.2. To begin operation or start (something): The new store opens up next month. The band opened up the concert with an old favorite.3. To begin firing: The artillery opened up at dawn.4. Informal To speak freely and candidly: At last the frightened witness opened up and told the truth.5. To make an opening in by cutting: The surgeon opened up the patient's chest.6. To make available or accessible: open up new markets.7. Informal To accelerate. Used of a motor vehicle.8. Sports To get a sudden, insurmountable lead in (an athletic contest).Idioms: open fire To begin firing a gun or guns. open (one's) eyes To become aware of the truth of a situation.
[Middle English, from Old English; see upo in Indo-European roots.]
o′pen·ly adv.o′pen·ness n.


(ˈəʊpən) adj1. not closed or barred: the door is open. 2. affording free passage, access, view, etc; not blocked or obstructed: the road is open for traffic. 3. not sealed, fastened, or wrapped: an open package. 4. having the interior part accessible: an open drawer. 5. extended, expanded, or unfolded: an open newspaper; an open flower. 6. ready for business: the shops are open. 7. able to be obtained; available: the position advertised last week is no longer open. 8. unobstructed by buildings, trees, etc: open countryside. 9. free to all to join, enter, use, visit, etc: an open competition. 10. unengaged or unoccupied: the doctor has an hour open for you to call. 11. (Shooting) See open season12. not decided or finalized: an open question. 13. ready to entertain new ideas; not biased or prejudiced: an open mind. 14. unreserved or candid: she was very open in her description. 15. liberal or generous: an open hand. 16. extended or eager to receive (esp in the phrase with open arms)17. exposed to view; blatant: open disregard of the law. 18. liable or susceptible: you will leave yourself open to attack if you speak. 19. (of climate or seasons) free from frost; mild20. (Nautical Terms) free from navigational hazards, such as ice, sunken ships, etc: open water. 21. US without legal restrictions or enforceable regulations, esp in relation to gambling, vice, etc: an open town. 22. without barriers to prevent absconding: an open prison. 23. having large or numerous spacing or apertures: open ranks. 24. full of small openings or gaps; porous: an open texture. 25. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing (of type matter) generously leaded or widely spaced26. (Classical Music) music a. (of a violin or guitar string) not stopped with the fingerb. (of a pipe, such as an organ pipe) not closed at either endc. (of a note) played on such a string or pipe27. (Commerce) commerce a. in operation; active: an open account. b. unrestricted; unlimited: open credit; open insurance cover. 28. (Banking & Finance) See open cheque29. (of a return ticket) not specifying a date for travel30. (General Sporting Terms) sport a. (of a goal, court, etc) unguarded or relatively unprotected: the forward missed an open goal. b. (of a stance, esp in golf) characterized by the front of the body being turned forward31. (Medicine) (of a wound) exposed to the air32. (Medicine) (esp of the large intestine) free from obstruction33. (Military) undefended and of no military significance: an open city. 34. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a. denoting a vowel pronounced with the lips relatively wide apartb. denoting a syllable that does not end in a consonant, as in pa35. (Chess & Draughts) chess (of a file) having no pawns on it36. (Mathematics) maths (of a set) containing points whose neighbourhood consists of other points of the same set: points inside a circle are an open set. 37. (Computer Science) computing (of software or a computer system) designed to an internationally agreed standard in order to allow communication between computers, irrespective of size, manufacturer, etcvb38. to move or cause to move from a closed or fastened position: to open a window. 39. (when: intr, foll by on or onto) to render, be, or become accessible or unobstructed: to open a road; to open a parcel; the door opens into the hall. 40. (intr) to come into or appear in view: the lake opened before us. 41. (Medicine) (tr) to puncture (a boil) so as to permit drainage42. to extend or unfold or cause to extend or unfold: to open a newspaper. 43. to disclose or uncover or be disclosed or uncovered: to open one's heart. 44. to cause (the mind) to become receptive or (of the mind) to become receptive45. to operate or cause to operate: to open a shop. 46. (when: intr, sometimes foll by out) to make or become less compact or dense in structure: to open ranks. 47. to set or be set in action; start: to open a discussion; to open the batting. 48. (Banking & Finance) (tr) to arrange for (a bank account, savings account, etc) usually by making an initial deposit49. to turn to a specified point in (a book, magazine, etc): open at page one. 50. (Law) law to make the opening statement in (a case before a court of law)51. (Card Games) (intr) cards to bet, bid, or lead first on a handn52. the open any wide or unobstructed space or expanse, esp of land or water53. See open air54. (General Sporting Terms) sport a competition which anyone may enter55. bring into the open to make evident or public56. come into the open to become evident or public[Old English; related to Old French open, epen, Old Saxon opan, Old High German offan] ˈopenable adj ˈopenly adv ˈopenness n


(ˈoʊ pən)
adj. 1. not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway or passageway by a door. 2. (of a door, window sash, or the like) set so as to permit passage through the opening it can be used to close. 3. having the interior immediately accessible, as a box with the lid raised. 4. relatively free of obstructions. 5. constructed so as not to be fully enclosed: an open boat. 6. having relatively large or numerous spaces, voids, or intervals: open ranks of soldiers. 7. relatively unoccupied by buildings, trees, etc.: open country. 8. not covered or closed; with certain parts apart: open eyes. 9. without a covering, esp. a protective covering; exposed: an open wound. 10. extended or unfolded: an open newspaper. 11. without restrictions as to who may participate: an open session. 12. accessible or available: Which job is open? 13. ready for or carrying on normal trade or business: The new store is now open. 14. not engaged or committed: open time. 15. exposed to general view or knowledge: open disregard of the rules. 16. unreserved, candid, or frank, as a person or speech. 17. generous, liberal, or bounteous: to give with an open hand. 18. liable or subject: open to question. 19. undecided; unsettled: several open questions. 20. without effective or enforced legal, commercial, or moral regulations: an open town. 21. unguarded by an opponent: An open receiver caught the pass. 22. noting the part of the sea beyond headlands or enclosing areas of land. 23. free of navigational hazards: an open coast. 24. not yet balanced or adjusted, as an account. 25. a. (of a vowel) articulated with a relatively large opening above the tongue or with a relatively large oral aperture, as the vowel sound of cot; low. Compare close (def. 50). b. (of a syllable) ending with a vowel. Compare closed (def. 6). 26. (of a compound word) written with the constituent words separated by a space, as police officer. 27. Music. (of a string) not stopped by a finger. 28. Math. (of a set) consisting of points having neighborhoods wholly contained in the set, as the set of points within a circle. 29. (of a fabric or weave) so loosely constructed that spaces are visible between warp and filling yarns. v.t. 30. to move (a door, window sash, etc.) from a shut or closed position. 31. to render (a doorway, window, etc.) unobstructed. 32. to render the interior of (a box, drawer, etc.) readily accessible. 33. to make accessible or available: to open a port for trade. 34. to establish for business purposes or for public use: to open an office. 35. to set in action, begin, start, or commence (sometimes fol. by up): to open the bidding. 36. to uncover, lay bare, or expose to view. 37. to expand, unfold, or spread out: to open a map. 38. to make less compact or less closely spaced: to open ranks. 39. to disclose, reveal, or divulge. 40. to render (the mind) accessible to knowledge, sympathy, etc. 41. to make or produce (an opening): to open a way through a crowd. 42. to make an opening in. 43. Law. to revoke (a decree, judgment, etc.) esp. so as to hear further arguments. v.i. 44. to become open. 45. to afford access or have an opening to a place: a door that opens into a garden. 46. (of a building) to open its doors to the public. 47. to begin, start, or commence: The game opened with the national anthem. 48. to part or seem to part: The clouds opened. 49. to become disclosed or revealed. 50. to come into view; become more visible or plain. 51. (of the mind) to become receptive to knowledge, sympathy, etc. 52. to spread out or expand, as the hand or a fan. 53. to turn the pages of a book, newspaper, etc.: Open to page 22. 54. to spread or come apart; burst: The wound opened. 55. to become less compact or less closely spaced: The ranks began to open. 56. open up, a. to make or become open. b. to begin firing a gun, or the like. c. to share or become willing to share one's feelings, confidences, etc. n. 57. an open or clear space. 58. the open air or the outdoors. 59. the open water, as of the sea. 60. an opening or aperture. 61. an opening or opportunity. 62. a contest or tournament in which both amateurs and professionals may compete. [before 900; Middle English, Old English] o′pen•ly, adv. o′pen•ness, n. syn: See frank1.


  1. Closed [a newspaper] up like a surgeon closing an incision above an inoperable truth —Elizabeth Spencer
  2. The door is closed like the shutter of a stalled-out camera —Thomas McGuane
  3. It [a door] came [open] easy … like a ghost had blown it open from inside —Jay Parini
  4. Locked up tighter than Dick’s hatband —Richard Ford

    Ford’s simile used to describe a home business that’s not open, is a takeoff on the American colloquialism generally linked with stinginess.

    See Also: THRIFT

  5. Open and shut as if cast from the shadow of a fallen angel’s wing —Anon
  6. (The elevator doors) opened suavely, like an expensive cream sliding smoothly on a flawless face —Judith Martin
  7. (Let your mind) open like a clam when the waters slide back to feed it —Marge Piercy
  8. Opens like a summer rose —George Garrett
  9. (In love we) open wide as a house to a summer afternoon —Marge Piercy
  10. (Wake up please) open yourself like a little umbrella —Donald Justice
  11. (Our room was closed off and) sealed, like a grave inside a pyramid —Yehuda Amichai
  12. [Emotions] sewn up tighter than a Victorian daughter’s drawers —Roderic Jeffries
  13. Shut down (the long Minnesota winter) like the white lid of a box —F. Scott Fitzgerald
  14. Shut firmly in like a trunk locked up when the key is lost —Eibhlin Dhubh Ni Chonnaill
  15. [Window-blinds] shut like an eye that sleeps —H. G. Wells
  16. Shut tight as a drum —Anon
  17. Shut up like a rabbit trap —Noel Streatfeild
  18. (J. B’s face) shut with a snap like a rat-trap —Gavin Lyall
  19. (A world had opened and) was closing … like a curtain being silently drawn —John McGahern


Open can be a verb or an adjective.

1. used as a verb

If you open something such as a door, you move it so that it no longer covers a hole or gap.

She opened the door with her key.He opened the window and looked out.

Be Careful!
When you use open with a person as the subject, you must put an object after it. Don't say, for example, 'I went to the door and opened'. You say 'I went to the door and opened it'.

I went to the front door, opened it, and looked out.
2. used as an adjective

When a door or window is not covering the hole or gap it is intended to cover, you say that it is open.

The door was open.He was sitting by the open window of the office.

Be Careful!
When a door or window is in this position, don't say that it is 'opened'. Opened is the past form or -ed participle of the verb open. You only use it when you are describing the action of opening a door or window.

The front door was opened, then suddenly shut again.
3. used after other verbs

Open can be used after other verbs of position or movement.

The doors of the ninth-floor rooms hung open.Bernard pushed the door fully open.He noticed the way the drawer slid open.

Open is one of several words that can be used after verbs of position or movement like this. Others are closed, shut, free, loose, straight, and upright. These words are sometimes considered to be adverbs and sometimes adjectives.

Be Careful!
Don't use open as a verb or adjective to talk about electrical equipment. For example, if someone makes some electrical equipment work by pressing a switch or turning a knob, don't say that they 'open' it. Say that they put it on, switch it on or turn it on.

Do you mind if I put the light on?I went across and switched on the TV.I turned on the radio as I did every morning.


Past participle: opened
Gerund: opening
I open
you open
he/she/it opens
we open
you open
they open
I opened
you opened
he/she/it opened
we opened
you opened
they opened
Present Continuous
I am opening
you are opening
he/she/it is opening
we are opening
you are opening
they are opening
Present Perfect
I have opened
you have opened
he/she/it has opened
we have opened
you have opened
they have opened
Past Continuous
I was opening
you were opening
he/she/it was opening
we were opening
you were opening
they were opening
Past Perfect
I had opened
you had opened
he/she/it had opened
we had opened
you had opened
they had opened
I will open
you will open
he/she/it will open
we will open
you will open
they will open
Future Perfect
I will have opened
you will have opened
he/she/it will have opened
we will have opened
you will have opened
they will have opened
Future Continuous
I will be opening
you will be opening
he/she/it will be opening
we will be opening
you will be opening
they will be opening
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been opening
you have been opening
he/she/it has been opening
we have been opening
you have been opening
they have been opening
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been opening
you will have been opening
he/she/it will have been opening
we will have been opening
you will have been opening
they will have been opening
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been opening
you had been opening
he/she/it had been opening
we had been opening
you had been opening
they had been opening
I would open
you would open
he/she/it would open
we would open
you would open
they would open
Past Conditional
I would have opened
you would have opened
he/she/it would have opened
we would have opened
you would have opened
they would have opened
Noun1.open - a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or wateropen - a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water; "finally broke out of the forest into the open"cleararea, country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
2.open - where the air is unconfinedopen - where the air is unconfined; "he wanted to get outdoors a little"; "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open"open air, outdoors, out-of-doorsexterior, outside - the region that is outside of something
3.open - a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may playtournament, tourney - a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner
4.open - information that has become public; "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface"surfacegeneral knowledge, public knowledge - knowledge that is available to anyone
Verb1.open - cause to open or to become open; "Mary opened the car door"open upunbar - remove a bar from (a door)break open - open with force; "He broke open the picnic basket"click open - open with a clicking sound; "These keys have clicked open many doors"reopen - open again or anew; "They reopened the theater"unlock - open the lock of; "unlock the door"unbolt - undo the bolt of; "unbolt the door"unseal - break the seal of; "He unsealed the letter"uncork - draw the cork from (bottles); "uncork the French wine"jimmy, lever, prise, pry, prize - to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open; "The burglar jimmied the lock": "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail"gap, breach - make an opening or gap inlance - open by piercing with a lancet; "lance a boil"close, shut - move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window"
2.open - start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning; "open a business"open upestablish, found, launch, set up - set up or found; "She set up a literacy program"close down, close up, shut down, close, fold - cease to operate or cause to cease operating; "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at 8 P.M."; "close up the shop"
3.open - become open; "The door opened"open upchange state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"unfasten - become undone or untied; "The shoelaces unfastened"fly open - come open suddenly; "the doors flew open in the strong gust"close, shut - become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang"
4.open - begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.; "He opened the meeting with a long speech"embark on, start up, commence, start - get off the ground; "Who started this company?"; "We embarked on an exciting enterprise"; "I start my day with a good breakfast"; "We began the new semester"; "The afternoon session begins at 4 PM"; "The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack"inaugurate - open ceremoniously or dedicate formallycall to order - open formally; "the chairman called the meeting to order by pounding his gavel"pioneer, open up - open up an area or prepare a way; "She pioneered a graduate program for women students"close - finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.); "The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board"
5.open - spread out or open from a closed or folded stateopen - spread out or open from a closed or folded state; "open the map"; "spread your arms"spread, unfold, spread outundo - cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect; "I wish I could undo my actions"divaricate - spread apart; "divaricate one's fingers"exfoliate - spread by opening the leaves ofgrass - spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleachbutterfly - cut and spread open, as in preparation for cooking; "butterflied shrimp"uncross - change from a crossed to an uncrossed position; "She uncrossed her legs"splay - spread open or apart; "He splayed his huge hands over the table"
6.open - make available; "This opens up new possibilities"open upyield, afford, give - be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"
7.open - become available; "an opportunity opened up"open upcome up, arise - result or issue; "A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion"
8.open - have an opening or passage or outlet; "The bedrooms open into the hall"
9.open - make the opening move; "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"chess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's kingmove, go - have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
10.open - afford access toopen - afford access to; "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace"afford, give
11.open - display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computerdisplay, exhibit, expose - to show, make visible or apparent; "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month"; "Why don't you show your nice legs and wear shorter skirts?"; "National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship"close - cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
Adj.1.open - affording unobstructed entrance and exitopen - affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open"unfastenedopen - affording free passage or access; "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks"shut, unopen, closed - not open; "the door slammed shut"
2.open - affording free passage or access; "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks"open, unfastened - affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open"unsealed - not closed or secured with or as if with a seal; "unsealed goods"; "the letter arrived unsealed"closed - not open or affording passage or access; "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"
3.open - with no protection or shield; "the exposed northeast frontier"; "open to the weather"; "an open wound"exposedunprotected - lacking protection or defense
4.open - open to or in view of all; "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor"public - not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures"
5.open - used of mouth or eyes; "keep your eyes open"; "his mouth slightly opened"openedshut, closed - used especially of mouth or eyes; "he sat quietly with closed eyes"; "his eyes were shut against the sunlight"
6.open - not having been filled; "the job is still open"available - obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service; "kept a fire extinguisher available"; "much information is available through computers"; "available in many colors"; "the list of available candidates is unusually long"
7.open - accessible to all; "open season"; "an open economy"unrestricted - not subject to or subjected to restriction
8.open - not defended or capable of being defendedopen - not defended or capable of being defended; "an open city"; "open to attack"assailable, undefendable, undefendedvulnerable - susceptible to attack; "a vulnerable bridge"
9.open - (of textures) full of small openings or gaps; "an open texture"; "a loose weave"loosecoarse, harsh - of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles; "coarse meal"; "coarse sand"; "a coarse weave"
10.open - having no protecting cover or enclosure; "an open boat"; "an open fire"; "open sports cars"unenclosed - not closed in our surrounded or included; "an unenclosed porch"; "unenclosed common land"
11.open - (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpointsmath, mathematics, maths - a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangementclosed - (set theory) of an interval that contains both its endpoints
12.open - not brought to a conclusionopen - not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought; "an open question"; "our position on this bill is still undecided"; "our lawsuit is still undetermined"undecided, unresolved, undeterminedunsettled - still in doubt; "an unsettled issue"; "an unsettled state of mind"
13.open - not sealed or having been unsealed; "the letter was already open"; "the opened package lay on the table"openedunsealed - not closed or secured with or as if with a seal; "unsealed goods"; "the letter arrived unsealed"
14.open - without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition; "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"; "her natural and open response"unconstricted - not constricted physically or by extension psychologically; "healthy unconstricted arteries"
15.open - ready or willing to receive favorably; "receptive to the proposals"receptive
16.open - open and observable; not secret or hidden; "an overt lie"; "overt hostility"; "overt intelligence gathering"; "open ballots"overtexplicit, expressed - precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication; "explicit instructions"; "she made her wishes explicit"; "explicit sexual scenes"public - not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures"unconcealed - not concealed or hidden; "her unconcealed hostility poisoned the atmosphere"; "watched with unconcealed curiosity"
17.open - not requiring union membership; "an open shop employs nonunion workers"nonunion - not belonging to or not allowing affiliation with a trade union; "nonunion carpenters"; "a nonunion contractor"
18.open - possibly accepting or permitting; "a passage capable of misinterpretation"; "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to question"; "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation"subject, capablesusceptible - (often followed by `of' or `to') yielding readily to or capable of; "susceptible to colds"; "susceptible of proof"
19.open - affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside"clearunobstructed - free from impediment or obstruction or hindrance; "an unobstructed view"
20.open - openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"; "a heart-to-heart talk"heart-to-heart, candidartless, ingenuous - characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious; "an ingenuous admission of responsibility"
21.open - ready for business; "the stores are open"active - full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"


verb1. unfasten, unlock, unclasp, throw wide, unbolt, opN (S.M.S.), unbar, unclose He opened the window and looked out.
unfasten close, lock, shut, fasten
2. unwrap, uncover, undo, unravel, untie, unstrap, unseal, unlace, opN (S.M.S.) The Inspector opened the parcel.
unwrap wrap, seal
3. uncork, crack (open), broach, opN (S.M.S.) Let's open another bottle of wine.4. unfold, spread (out), expand, stretch out, unfurl, unroll, opN (S.M.S.) When you open the map, you will find it is divided into squares.
unfold fold
5. clear, unblock, opN (S.M.S.) Police have opened the road again after the crash.
clear block, shut, obstruct
6. undo, loosen, unbutton, unfasten, opN (S.M.S.) He opened his shirt to show me his scar.
undo fasten, do up
7. begin business, start trading, begin trading, admit customers, opN (S.M.S.) The new shopping complex opens tomorrow.8. start, begin, launch, trigger, kick off (informal), initiate, commence, get going, instigate, kick-start, inaugurate, set in motion, get (something) off the ground (informal), enter upon, opN (S.M.S.) They are now ready to open negotiations.
start end, close, finish, conclude, terminate
9. begin, start, commence, opN (S.M.S.) The service opened with a hymn.
begin end, close, finish, conclude
10. split, break, separate, crack, burst, break up, give way, gape, rupture, come apart, opN (S.M.S.) The ground opened beneath his feet.11. reveal, bare, exhibit, disclose, divulge, lay bare, expose to view, opN (S.M.S.) He really opened his heart to me.
adjective1. unclosed, unlocked, ajar, unfastened, yawning, gaping, unlatched, unbolted, partly open, unbarred, opN (S.M.S.), off the latch an open door
unclosed closed, locked, shut, fastened
2. unsealed, unstoppered, opN (S.M.S.) an open bottle of milk
unsealed sealed, unopened
3. extended, expanded, unfolded, stretched out, spread out, unfurled, straightened out, unrolled, opN (S.M.S.) A newspaper lay open on the coffee table.
extended shut, folded
4. frank, direct, natural, plain, innocent, straightforward, sincere, transparent, honest, candid, truthful, upfront (informal), plain-spoken, above board, unreserved, artless, ingenuous, guileless, straight from the shoulder (informal), opN (S.M.S.) She has an open, trusting nature.
frank reserved, withdrawn, cunning, sly, secretive, artful, introverted
5. obvious, clear, frank, plain, apparent, visible, patent, evident, distinct, pronounced, manifest, transparent, noticeable, blatant, conspicuous, downright, overt, unmistakable, palpable, recognizable, avowed, flagrant, perceptible, much in evidence, undisguised, unsubtle, barefaced, unconcealed, opN (S.M.S.) their open dislike of each other
obvious secret, hidden, disguised, veiled, covert
6. receptive, welcoming, sympathetic, responsive, amenable, opN (S.M.S.) He seems open to suggestions.7. susceptible, subject, exposed, vulnerable, in danger, disposed, liable, wide open, unprotected, at the mercy of, left open, laid bare, an easy target for, undefended, laid open, defenceless against, unfortified, opN (S.M.S.) They left themselves open to accusations of double standards.
susceptible protected, defended
8. unresolved, doubtful, unsettled, unanswered, undecided, debatable, unsolved, up in the air, moot, arguable, yet to be decided, opN (S.M.S.) It is an open question how long his commitment will last.9. clear, free, passable, uncluttered, unhindered, unimpeded, navigable, unobstructed, unhampered, opN (S.M.S.) The emergency services will do their best to keep the highway open.
clear obstructed
10. unenclosed, wide, rolling, sweeping, exposed, extensive, bare, spacious, wide-open, undeveloped, uncrowded, unfenced, not built-up, unsheltered, opN (S.M.S.) Police will continue their search of nearby open ground.
unenclosed covered, limited, crowded, bounded, restricted, confined, enclosed, built-up
11. undone, gaping, unbuttoned, unzipped, agape, unfastened, opN (S.M.S.) Her blouse was open to the waist.
undone fastened, done up
12. available, to hand, accessible, handy, vacant, on hand, obtainable, attainable, at your fingertips, at your disposal, opN (S.M.S.) There are a wide range of career opportunities open to young people.13. general, public, free, catholic, broad, universal, blanket, unconditional, across-the-board, unqualified, all-inclusive, unrestricted, overarching, free to all, nondiscriminatory, opN (S.M.S.) an open invitation
general private, protected, restricted, inaccessible
14. vacant, free, available, empty, up for grabs (informal), unoccupied, unfilled, unengaged, opN (S.M.S.) The job is still open.15. generous, kind, liberal, charitable, benevolent, prodigal, bountiful, open-handed, unstinting, beneficent, bounteous, munificent, ungrudging, opN (S.M.S.) the public's open and generous response to the appeal16. gappy, loose, lacy, porous, honeycombed, spongy, filigree, fretted, holey, openwork Ciabatta has a distinctive crisp crust and open texture.


adjective1. Free from obstructions:clear, free, unblocked, unimpeded, unobstructed.2. Having no protecting or concealing cover:exposed, uncovered, unprotected.3. Not restricted or confined to few:open-door, public, unrestricted.4. Tending to incur:liable, prone, subject, susceptible, susceptive, vulnerable.5. Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas:acceptant, amenable, open-minded, receptive, responsive.6. Available for use:accessible, employable, operable, operative, practicable, usable, utilizable.7. Not spoken for or occupied:free, uninhabited, unoccupied, unreserved.8. Marked by lack of firm decision or commitment; of questionable outcome:indefinite, uncertain, undecided, undetermined, unresolved, unsettled, unsure, vague.Idiom: up in the air.9. Manifesting honesty and directness, especially in speech:candid, direct, downright, forthright, frank, honest, ingenuous, man-to-man, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, straight-out, unreserved.Informal: straight-from-the-shoulder, straight-shooting.verb1. To become or cause to become open:unclose, undo.2. To rid of obstructions:clear, free, unblock.3. To move or arrange so as to cover a larger area.Out or up:expand, extend, fan (out), outstretch, spread, stretch, unfold, unroll.4. To go about the initial step in doing (something):approach, begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, set about, set out, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake.Informal: kick off.Idioms: get cracking, get going, get the show on the road.


(ˈəupən) adjective1. not shut, allowing entry or exit. an open box; The gate is wide open. 開著的 开着的2. allowing the inside to be seen. an open book. 敞開的 敝开的3. ready for business etc. The shop is open on Sunday afternoons; After the fog had cleared, the airport was soon open again; The gardens are open to the public. 營業著的 营业着的4. not kept secret. an open show of affection. 公開的 公开的5. frank. He was very open with me about his work. 坦率的 坦率的6. still being considered etc. Leave the matter open. 懸而未決的 悬而未决的7. empty, with no trees, buildings etc. I like to be out in the open country; an open space. 空曠的 空旷的 verb1. to make or become open. He opened the door; The door opened; The new shop opened last week. 打開 打开2. to begin. He opened the meeting with a speech of welcome. 開始 开始ˈopener noun something that opens (something). a tin-opener. 開瓶刀 开瓶刀ˈopening noun1. a hole; a clear or open space. an opening in the fence/forest. 洞,缺口 洞,缺口 2. a beginning. the opening of the film; (also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks. 開始,開端 开始,开端 3. the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open. the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre. 開張,打開(門),開幕,(花朵)綻開 开张(开业),打開(門),开幕,(花朵)绽开 4. an opportunity for work. There are good openings in the automobile industry. 職缺,機會 职位的空缺,缺额 ˈopenly adverb frankly. She talked very openly about it. 坦率地 坦率地ˈopen-air adjective outside. an open-air meeting. 野外 野外ˌopen-ˈminded adjective willing to consider new ideas. an open-minded approach to the problem. 虛心的 虚心的ˌopen-ˈplan adjective (of a building) built with few walls inside. an open-plan office. 沒有固定隔牆的(辦公樓) 没有固定隔墙的(办公楼) be an open secret to be known to many people although supposed to be a secret. It's an open secret that she's getting married next week. 已是公開的秘密 公开秘密bring (something) out into the open to make (something) public. This affair has been kept a secret for too long – it's time it was brought out into the open. 訴諸公眾 诉诸公众in the open outside; in the open air. It's very healthy for children to be able to play in the open. 在戶外 在户外in the open air not in a building. If it doesn't rain, we'll have the party in the open air. 在室外的 在室外的keep/have an open mind to have a willingness to listen to or accept new ideas, other people's suggestions etc (eg before making a decision). It doesn't seem to be a very good plan, but I think we should keep an open mind about it for the time being. 虛心聽取(或接受)別人的意見 虚心听取(或接受)别人的意见 open on to (of a door etc) to open towards. Our front door opens straight on to the street. 通往... 通往...the open sea any area of sea far from land. When they reached the open sea, they were faced with large waves. 公海 公海open to1. likely or willing to receive. open to charges of corruption; open to suggestions from any member of staff. 願意接受 愿意接受2. possible. There are only two courses of action open to us. 對...開放(可能的) 对...开放(可能的) open up1. to open (a shop etc). I open up the shop at nine o'clock every morning. 開業 开业2. to open (a box etc) completely. He opened up the parcel. 开,打开 3. to open the (main) door of a building etc. `Open up!' shouted the policeman. `We know you are in there!' 開門 开门with open arms in a very friendly way. They received their visitors with open arms. 熱誠地 热诚地


开着的zhCN, 打开zhCN, 营业zhCN
  • May I open the window? → 我可以打开窗户吗?
  • Are you open? → 你们现在营业吗?
  • Is the temple open to the public? → 寺庙对游客开放吗?
  • Is it open today? → 今天开门吗?
  • When does the bank open? → 银行几点开门?
  • I can't open the window → 窗户打不开
  • The door won't open → 门开不了


  • (one's) door is always open
  • (open) confession is good for the soul
  • A golden key can open any door
  • an open book
  • an open book, he/she is (like an)
  • an open invitation
  • an open letter
  • an open marriage
  • an open question
  • an open secret
  • an open-and-shut case
  • as one door closes, another (one) opens
  • as one door closes, another one opens
  • as one door closes, another opens
  • be an open book
  • be open to (something)
  • be open to something
  • be open with
  • be open with (one)
  • be pushing at an open door
  • be wide open
  • be wide open to (something)
  • blow (something) wide open
  • blow open
  • blow something wide open
  • blow the lid off
  • blow wide open
  • break open
  • burst open
  • bust (someone or something) wide open
  • bust someone wide open
  • bust something wide open
  • bust wide open
  • can of worms
  • cold open
  • come out in the open
  • come out in the open with
  • come out in the open with (something)
  • come out in(to) the open
  • crack (something) wide open
  • crack a book
  • crack a bottle open
  • crack open
  • crack open a bottle
  • crack open a/the bottle
  • crack the door (open)
  • doors open up
  • gaze open-mouthed
  • greet (someone or something) with open arms
  • have an open mind
  • have one’s nose wide open
  • have/keep an open mind
  • heavens opened
  • honest and aboveboard
  • in the open
  • in the open air
  • keep (one's) eye(s) open (for someone or something)
  • keep (one's) eye(s) peeled (for something or someone)
  • keep (one's) eye(s) skinned (for someone or something)
  • keep (one's) options open
  • keep (one's) weather eye open
  • keep a weather eye on (someone or something)
  • keep a weather eye on something/open for something
  • keep a weather eye open
  • keep a weather eye out
  • keep an eye open
  • keep an open mind
  • keep eyes open
  • keep one's eyes open
  • keep open house
  • keep weather eye open
  • keep your eyes open
  • keep your eyes open/peeled/skinned
  • keep your options open
  • keep/leave your options open
  • lay open
  • leave (one's) options open
  • leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open for (something)
  • leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open to (something)
  • leave oneself wide open for
  • leave open
  • leave open the possibility of (something or doing something)
  • leave the door open
  • leave the door open for
  • leave the door open for (something or doing something)
  • leave yourself wide open to something
  • not open (one's) mouth
  • not open mouth
  • not open one's mouth
  • on the open market
  • open (a) Pandora's box
  • open (one) up
  • open (one's) big mouth
  • open (one's) eyes
  • open (one's) eyes to (someone or something)
  • open (one's) heart (to someone)
  • open (one's) legs
  • open (one's) mind (to something)
  • open (one's) mouth
  • open (oneself) (up) to criticism
  • open (something) with (someone or something)
  • open (up) (one's) kimono
  • open (up) a can of worms
  • open a conversation
  • open a conversation (with one)
  • open a few doors
  • open a Pandora's box
  • open and aboveboard
  • open and shut
  • open arms, with
  • open book
  • open day
  • open doors
  • open eyes
  • open eyes to
  • open fire
  • open for business
  • open heart to
  • open house
  • open house, keep
  • open into
  • open into (something)
  • open kimono
  • open letter
  • open mind
  • open old wounds
  • open on
  • open on (something)
  • open one’s kimono
  • open one's eyes
  • open one's heart to
  • open oneself to criticism
  • open out
  • open out on(to) something
  • open Pandora's box
  • open question
  • open question, an
  • open season
  • open season (on someone or something)
  • open season on
  • open secret
  • open secret, an
  • open sesame
  • open some doors
  • open someone's eyes
  • open the door for (someone or something)
  • open the door to
  • open the door to (someone or something)
  • open the door to/for somebody/something
  • open the eyes of (someone)
  • open the eyes of someone
  • open the floodgates
  • open the kimono
  • open the way for (one)
  • open the way for (something)
  • open the way for somebody/something
  • open the way to (something)
  • open to
  • open to (something)
  • open to criticism
  • open to question
  • open up
  • open up a can of worms
  • open up one’s kimono
  • open up to
  • open with
  • open wound
  • open your eyes
  • open your heart
  • open your mind to
  • open your mouth
  • open your/somebody's eyes
  • open-and-shut
  • open-and-shut case
  • open-ended
  • out in the open
  • out into the open
  • push at an open door
  • read someone like an open book, to
  • receive (someone or something) with open arms
  • receive with open arms
  • sleep with one eye open
  • the heavens open
  • the heavens opened
  • throw open
  • throw open (something) to (someone or something)
  • welcome (someone or something) with open arms
  • welcome someone with open arms
  • welcome something with open arms
  • when one door closes, another opens
  • when one door shuts, another one opens
  • When one door shuts, another opens
  • wide open
  • with (one's) eyes wide open
  • with eyes open
  • with eyes wide open
  • with one’s eyes open
  • with one’s eyes wide open
  • with one's eyes open
  • with open arms
  • with your eyes open



1. Nautical free from navigational hazards, such as ice, sunken ships, etc. 2. Musica. (of a violin or guitar string) not stopped with the finger b. (of a pipe, such as an organ pipe) not closed at either end c. (of a note) played on such a string or pipe 3. Commercea. in operation; active b. unrestricted; unlimited 4. (of a wound) exposed to the air 5. (esp of the large intestine) free from obstruction 6. Chess (of a file) having no pawns on it 7. Maths (of a set) containing points whose neighbourhood consists of other points of the same set 8. Computing (of software or a computer system) designed to an internationally agreed standard in order to allow communication between computers, irrespective of size, maufacturer, etc.


[′ō·pən] (electricity) Condition in which conductors are separated so that current cannot pass. Break or discontinuity in a circuit which can normally pass a current.


(1)To prepare to read or write a file. This usually involveschecking whether the file already exists and that the user hasthe necessary authorisation to read or write it. The resultof a successful open is usually some kind of capability(e.g. a Unix file descriptor) - a token that the userpasses back to the system in order to access the file withoutfurther checks and finally to close the file.


(2)Abbreviation for "open (or left) parenthesis" - used whennecessary to eliminate oral ambiguity. To read aloud the LISPform (DEFUN FOO (X) (PLUS X 1)) one might say: "Open defunfoo, open eks close, open, plus eks one, close close."


(3)Non-proprietary. An open standard is one which can beused without payment.


(1) To engage a file for reading and writing. Technically, an app is "run" and the data file is "opened." For example, after a word processing application is "loaded and run," a document is "opened" for editing or printing. Then, the document is "closed," and the app is "exited." Apps are also said to be "opened" and "closed."

In the case of a script or batch file, "open" can mean "open" for editing or "open and run." The difference is significant. Opening a batch file to edit its contents causes no action until the user makes changes, whereas opening and running a batch file causes instructions to be executed. Contrast with close.

(2) To "run" a program (application). "Open" is increasingly used to mean "load and run."

(3) With regard to a switch, open is "off." See switch.

(4) Made to operate or function compatibly with other products. See open architecture, open system and open source.



 [o´pen] 1. not obstructed or closed.2. exposed to the air; not covered by unbroken skin.3. pertaining to a clinical trial or other experiment in which both subjects and observers know which treatment is administered to each subject, as opposed to a single blind, double blind, or triple blind study.


(ō'pen), 1. Not closed; exposed, said of a wound. 2. To enter or expose, as a wound or cavity. [A.S.]


Vox populi → medtalk Patent, pronounced PAY tent

Patient discussion about open

Q. How open are you about telling people that you are bipolar? I am studying in a coed college and am high scoring and talented. Actually I am a guitarist who entertains most of my peers. So I have lots of friends. For the past 8 months I could not use my guitar because of my busy study schedule. Without music I feel very depressed. My attitude has changed. My friends started deserting me because of my depression. So I started hating life and checked with a psychiatrist who diagnosed as bipolar. I fear whether I will lose my friends. So this question is to bipolar people: How open are you about telling people that you are bipolar? A. P.S..we all have problems,god made us all different,acept who you are,and you will be alright.

Q. what are the do and don't do of Allergic people when they go out side to the open land? A. if seasonal allergy is what you mean -there are certain times a year that you know you get sick. try avoiding long walks in fields of blooming flowers at those times...take antihistamine with you all the time, and don't forget some tissue paper :)

Q. what is the best thing to do to eliminate or to let it be remove without surgery?I'm afraid but laser mayb ok If I can go for laser where can you suggest coz I'm jobless and can't afford to pay.Or is there some remedy that i can take to melt those stones inside my bladder then they can come out through my waste ?A. Bladder stones, also called bladder calculi, often form when concentrated urine sits in your bladder. Bladder stones usually need to be removed. If the stone is small, your doctor may recommend that you drink an increased amount of water each day to help the stone pass. If the stone is large or doesn't pass on its own, your doctor may need to remove the stone. Bladder stones are usually removed during a procedure called a cystolitholapaxy. This is done by inserting a small tube with a camera at the end (cystoscope) through your urethra and into your bladder to view the stone. Your doctor uses a laser, ultrasound or mechanical device to break the stone into small pieces and then flushes the pieces from your bladder.
I am not familiar with the cost of such procedure.

More discussions about open


Related to Open: Open University, Open relationship


To make accessible, visible, or available; to submit to review, examination, or inquiry through the elimination of restrictions or impediments.

To open a judgment means to render it capable of reexamination by removing or relaxing the bar of its finality. A judgment is ordinarily opened at the insistence of a party who is able to show good cause as to why the execution of the judgment would be inequitable.

To open a court is to formally announce, ordinarily through the bailiff, that the session has commenced and that the business before the tribunal will proceed.

The term open is also used as an adjective in reference to that which is patent, visible, apparent, or notorious, such as a defect in a product, or conduct such as lewdness.

TO OPEN, OPENING. To open a case is to make a statement of the pleadings in a case, which is called the opening.
2. The opening should be concise, very distinct and perspicuous. Its use is to enable the judge and jury to direct their attention to the real merits of the case, and the points in issue. 1 Stark. R. 439;S. C. 2 E. C. L. R. 462; 2 Stark. R. 31; S. C 3 Eng. C. L. R. 230.
3. The opening address or speech is that made immediately after the evidence has been closed; such address usually states, 1st. The full extent of the plaintiff's claims, and the circumstances under which they are made, to show that they are just and reasonable. 2d. At least an outline of the evidence by which those claims are to be established. 3d. The legal grounds and authorities in favor of the claim or of the proposed evidence. 4th. An anticipation of the expected defence, and statement of the grounds on which it is futile, "either in law or justice, and the reasons why it ought to fail. 3 Chit. Pr. 881; 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 3044, et seq. To open a judgment, is to set it aside.



Used in the context of general equities. Having either buy or sell interest at the indicated price level and side of a preceding trade. "Open on the buy/sell side" means looking for buyers/sellers (for someone who is a seller/buyer). Antithesis of clean.


1. The time trading begins on an exchange. This is important to matters like a security's opening price or opening bid. See also: Close.

2. An order to buy or sell a security that has not yet been filled. Some orders are only open for a certain amount of time, while some remain open until they are filled. See also: IOC, GTC.


OPENObject-Oriented Process, Environment, and Notation (OPEN Consortium)
OPENOnline Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act
OPENOpen Protocol Enhanced Network
OPENObject Oriented Process Environment and Notation
OPENOregon Public Education Network
OPENOpen Platform for Emergency Networks
OPENOnline Public Education Network
OPENOne Planet Education Network
OPENOpen Protocol Enhanced Networks
OPENOptical Pan-European Network
OPENOntario Provincial Education Network (Ontario, Canada)
OPENOlympic and Paralympic Employment Network (UK)
OPENOncovin, Prednisone, Etoposide, Novantrone
OPENOrigins of Plasma in the Earth's Neighborhood


Related to open: Open University, Open relationship
  • all
  • verb
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for open

verb unfasten


  • unfasten
  • unlock
  • unclasp
  • throw wide
  • unbolt
  • opN
  • unbar
  • unclose


  • close
  • lock
  • shut
  • fasten

verb unwrap


  • unwrap
  • uncover
  • undo
  • unravel
  • untie
  • unstrap
  • unseal
  • unlace
  • opN


  • wrap
  • seal

verb uncork


  • uncork
  • crack (open)
  • broach
  • opN

verb unfold


  • unfold
  • spread (out)
  • expand
  • stretch out
  • unfurl
  • unroll
  • opN


  • fold

verb clear


  • clear
  • unblock
  • opN


  • block
  • shut
  • obstruct

verb undo


  • undo
  • loosen
  • unbutton
  • unfasten
  • opN


  • fasten
  • do up

verb begin business


  • begin business
  • start trading
  • begin trading
  • admit customers
  • opN

verb start


  • start
  • begin
  • launch
  • trigger
  • kick off
  • initiate
  • commence
  • get going
  • instigate
  • kick-start
  • inaugurate
  • set in motion
  • get (something) off the ground
  • enter upon
  • opN


  • end
  • close
  • finish
  • conclude
  • terminate

verb begin


  • begin
  • start
  • commence
  • opN


  • end
  • close
  • finish
  • conclude

verb split


  • split
  • break
  • separate
  • crack
  • burst
  • break up
  • give way
  • gape
  • rupture
  • come apart
  • opN

verb reveal


  • reveal
  • bare
  • exhibit
  • disclose
  • divulge
  • lay bare
  • expose to view
  • opN

adj unclosed


  • unclosed
  • unlocked
  • ajar
  • unfastened
  • yawning
  • gaping
  • unlatched
  • unbolted
  • partly open
  • unbarred
  • opN
  • off the latch


  • closed
  • locked
  • shut
  • fastened

adj unsealed


  • unsealed
  • unstoppered
  • opN


  • sealed
  • unopened

adj extended


  • extended
  • expanded
  • unfolded
  • stretched out
  • spread out
  • unfurled
  • straightened out
  • unrolled
  • opN


  • shut
  • folded

adj frank


  • frank
  • direct
  • natural
  • plain
  • innocent
  • straightforward
  • sincere
  • transparent
  • honest
  • candid
  • truthful
  • upfront
  • plain-spoken
  • above board
  • unreserved
  • artless
  • ingenuous
  • guileless
  • straight from the shoulder
  • opN


  • reserved
  • withdrawn
  • cunning
  • sly
  • secretive
  • artful
  • introverted

adj obvious


  • obvious
  • clear
  • frank
  • plain
  • apparent
  • visible
  • patent
  • evident
  • distinct
  • pronounced
  • manifest
  • transparent
  • noticeable
  • blatant
  • conspicuous
  • downright
  • overt
  • unmistakable
  • palpable
  • recognizable
  • avowed
  • flagrant
  • perceptible
  • much in evidence
  • undisguised
  • unsubtle
  • barefaced
  • unconcealed
  • opN


  • secret
  • hidden
  • disguised
  • veiled
  • covert

adj receptive


  • receptive
  • welcoming
  • sympathetic
  • responsive
  • amenable
  • opN

adj susceptible


  • susceptible
  • subject
  • exposed
  • vulnerable
  • in danger
  • disposed
  • liable
  • wide open
  • unprotected
  • at the mercy of
  • left open
  • laid bare
  • an easy target for
  • undefended
  • laid open
  • defenceless against
  • unfortified
  • opN


  • protected
  • defended

adj unresolved


  • unresolved
  • doubtful
  • unsettled
  • unanswered
  • undecided
  • debatable
  • unsolved
  • up in the air
  • moot
  • arguable
  • yet to be decided
  • opN

adj clear


  • clear
  • free
  • passable
  • uncluttered
  • unhindered
  • unimpeded
  • navigable
  • unobstructed
  • unhampered
  • opN


  • obstructed

adj unenclosed


  • unenclosed
  • wide
  • rolling
  • sweeping
  • exposed
  • extensive
  • bare
  • spacious
  • wide-open
  • undeveloped
  • uncrowded
  • unfenced
  • not built-up
  • unsheltered
  • opN


  • covered
  • limited
  • crowded
  • bounded
  • restricted
  • confined
  • enclosed
  • built-up

adj undone


  • undone
  • gaping
  • unbuttoned
  • unzipped
  • agape
  • unfastened
  • opN


  • fastened
  • done up

adj available


  • available
  • to hand
  • accessible
  • handy
  • vacant
  • on hand
  • obtainable
  • attainable
  • at your fingertips
  • at your disposal
  • opN

adj general


  • general
  • public
  • free
  • catholic
  • broad
  • universal
  • blanket
  • unconditional
  • across-the-board
  • unqualified
  • all-inclusive
  • unrestricted
  • overarching
  • free to all
  • nondiscriminatory
  • opN


  • private
  • protected
  • restricted
  • inaccessible

adj vacant


  • vacant
  • free
  • available
  • empty
  • up for grabs
  • unoccupied
  • unfilled
  • unengaged
  • opN

adj generous


  • generous
  • kind
  • liberal
  • charitable
  • benevolent
  • prodigal
  • bountiful
  • open-handed
  • unstinting
  • beneficent
  • bounteous
  • munificent
  • ungrudging
  • opN

adj gappy


  • gappy
  • loose
  • lacy
  • porous
  • honeycombed
  • spongy
  • filigree
  • fretted
  • holey
  • openwork

Synonyms for open

adj free from obstructions


  • clear
  • free
  • unblocked
  • unimpeded
  • unobstructed

adj having no protecting or concealing cover


  • exposed
  • uncovered
  • unprotected

adj not restricted or confined to few


  • open-door
  • public
  • unrestricted

adj tending to incur


  • liable
  • prone
  • subject
  • susceptible
  • susceptive
  • vulnerable

adj ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas


  • acceptant
  • amenable
  • open-minded
  • receptive
  • responsive

adj available for use


  • accessible
  • employable
  • operable
  • operative
  • practicable
  • usable
  • utilizable

adj not spoken for or occupied


  • free
  • uninhabited
  • unoccupied
  • unreserved

adj marked by lack of firm decision or commitment; of questionable outcome


  • indefinite
  • uncertain
  • undecided
  • undetermined
  • unresolved
  • unsettled
  • unsure
  • vague

adj manifesting honesty and directness, especially in speech


  • candid
  • direct
  • downright
  • forthright
  • frank
  • honest
  • ingenuous
  • man-to-man
  • plainspoken
  • straight
  • straightforward
  • straight-out
  • unreserved
  • straight-from-the-shoulder
  • straight-shooting

verb to become or cause to become open


  • unclose
  • undo

verb to rid of obstructions


  • clear
  • free
  • unblock

verb to move or arrange so as to cover a larger area


  • expand
  • extend
  • fan
  • outstretch
  • spread
  • stretch
  • unfold
  • unroll

verb to go about the initial step in doing (something)


  • approach
  • begin
  • commence
  • embark
  • enter
  • get off
  • inaugurate
  • initiate
  • institute
  • launch
  • lead off
  • set about
  • set out
  • set to
  • start
  • take on
  • take up
  • undertake
  • kick off

Synonyms for open

noun a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water


  • clear

Related Words

  • area
  • country

noun where the air is unconfined


  • open air
  • outdoors
  • out-of-doors

Related Words

  • exterior
  • outside

noun a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play

Related Words

  • tournament
  • tourney

noun information that has become public


  • surface

Related Words

  • general knowledge
  • public knowledge

verb cause to open or to become open


  • open up

Related Words

  • unbar
  • break open
  • click open
  • reopen
  • unlock
  • unbolt
  • unseal
  • uncork
  • jimmy
  • lever
  • prise
  • pry
  • prize
  • gap
  • breach
  • lance


  • close
  • shut

verb start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning


  • open up

Related Words

  • establish
  • found
  • launch
  • set up


  • close down
  • close up
  • shut down
  • close
  • fold

verb become open


  • open up

Related Words

  • change state
  • turn
  • unfasten
  • fly open


  • close
  • shut

verb begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.

Related Words

  • embark on
  • start up
  • commence
  • start
  • inaugurate
  • call to order
  • pioneer
  • open up


  • close

verb spread out or open from a closed or folded state


  • spread
  • unfold
  • spread out

Related Words

  • undo
  • divaricate
  • exfoliate
  • grass
  • butterfly
  • uncross
  • splay

verb make available


  • open up

Related Words

  • yield
  • afford
  • give

verb become available


  • open up

Related Words

  • come up
  • arise

verb make the opening move

Related Words

  • chess game
  • chess
  • move
  • go

verb afford access to


  • afford
  • give

verb display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer

Related Words

  • display
  • exhibit
  • expose


  • close

adj affording unobstructed entrance and exit


  • unfastened

Related Words

  • open


  • shut
  • unopen
  • closed

adj affording free passage or access

Related Words

  • open
  • unfastened
  • unsealed


  • closed

adj with no protection or shield


  • exposed

Related Words

  • unprotected

adj open to or in view of all

Related Words

  • public

adj used of mouth or eyes


  • opened


  • shut
  • closed

adj not having been filled

Related Words

  • available

adj accessible to all

Related Words

  • unrestricted

adj not defended or capable of being defended


  • assailable
  • undefendable
  • undefended

Related Words

  • vulnerable

adj (of textures) full of small openings or gaps


  • loose

Related Words

  • coarse
  • harsh

adj having no protecting cover or enclosure

Related Words

  • unenclosed

adj (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints

Related Words

  • math
  • mathematics
  • maths


  • closed

adj not brought to a conclusion


  • undecided
  • unresolved
  • undetermined

Related Words

  • unsettled

adj not sealed or having been unsealed


  • opened

Related Words

  • unsealed

adj without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition

Related Words

  • unconstricted

adj ready or willing to receive favorably


  • receptive

adj open and observable


  • overt

Related Words

  • explicit
  • expressed
  • public
  • unconcealed

adj not requiring union membership

Related Words

  • nonunion

adj possibly accepting or permitting


  • subject
  • capable

Related Words

  • susceptible

adj affording free passage or view


  • clear

Related Words

  • unobstructed

adj openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness


  • heart-to-heart
  • candid

Related Words

  • artless
  • ingenuous

adj ready for business

Related Words

  • active




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