Nikolai Nesterov
Nesterov, Nikolai Stepanovich
Born Oct. 23 (Nov. 4), 1860; died May 30, 1926. Russian forester.
In 1884, Nesterov graduated from the forestry division of the Petrovsk Farming and Forestry Academy (today the K. A. Timiriazev Moscow Agricultural Academy) and was retained in the chair of forestry to prepare for scientific research. He was a professor from 1900 to 1926. Nesterov conducted studies in the academy’s experimental forestland. His principal works dealt with the effect of forests on wind velocity and direction, on the distribution of summer and winter precipitation, on the groundwater level, on river regimes, and on air temperature. Nesterov’s works were also devoted to the biology of forests, acclimatization of trees, forest management, wood technology, and administration.
Znachenie osiny ν russkom lesovodstve, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1894.“O vliianii lesa na silu i napravlenie vetra.” Lesopromyshlennyi vestnik, 1908, nos. 8 and 9.
Ocherki po lesovedeniiu. Moscow-Leningrad, 1933.
Les i bor’ba s nedorodami: Sb. statei. Moscow, 1952. (Contains a list of
Nesterov’s works.)
Ocherki po lesovedeniiu. Moscow, 1960.
Melekhov, I. S. K istokam otechestvennoi lesnoi nauki. Arkhangel’sk, 1948.Eitingen, G. R. Nikolai Stepanovich Nesterov, vydaiushchiisia deiatel’ lesovodstva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947.
Melekhov, I. S. Ocherk razvitiia nauki o lese v Rossii. Moscow, 1957.