optic keratoplasty


 [ker´ah-to-plas″te] corneal transplantation" >corneal transplantation.optic keratoplasty transplantation of corneal material to replace scar tissue that interferes with vision.refractive keratoplasty removal of a section of cornea from a patient or donor, which is shaped to the desired curvature and inserted either between layers of the recipient's cornea (keratophakia) or over the cornea (keratomileusis) in order to change the corneal curvature and correct optical errors.tectonic keratoplasty transplantation of corneal material to replace tissue that has been lost.

op·ti·c ker·a·to·plas·ty

transplantation of transparent corneal tissue to replace a leukoma or scar that impairs vision.

op·tic ker·a·to·plas·ty

(op'tik ker'ă-tō-plas-tē) Transplantation of transparent corneal tissue to replace a leukoma or scar that impairs vision.