occlusal trauma

oc·clu·sal trau·ma

abnormal occlusal stresses capable of producing or that have produced pathologic changes in the tooth and its surrounding structures.

occlusal trauma

Any injury to part of the masticatory system as a result of malocclusion or occlusal dysfunction. It may be abrupt in its development in response to a restoration or ill-fitting prosthetic device, or result from years of tooth wear, drift, or faulty oral habits. It may produce adverse periodontal changes, tooth mobility or excessive wear, pain in the temporomandibular joints, or spasms and pain in the muscles of mastication. See also: trauma

oc·clu·sal trau·ma

(ŏ-klūzăl trawmă) Abnormal occlusal stresses that are capable of producing or have produced pathologic changes in teeth and surrounding structures.