Mozambique Liberation Front
Mozambique Liberation Front
(Frente de Libertação de Moçambique; FRELIMO), the ruling party of Mozambique. Its membership consists primarily of peasants, in addition to a small number of urban workers and members of the revolutionary intelligentsia.
FRELIMO was founded in July 1962. In September 1964 it assumed leadership of the armed struggle waged by Mozambique patriots against the Portuguese colonialists; the goal of the struggle was the national independence of Mozambique and the establishment of a democratic system. The party led the liberation army and partisan detachments.
After the fascist dictatorship in Portugal was overthrown on Apr. 25, 1974, FRELIMO entered into negotiations with the Portuguese government on national independence for Mozambique. The party’s representative, J. Chissano, headed Mozambique’s provisional government, which was established in September 1974 and functioned until June 1975. On June 25, 1975, Samora Machel, chairman of the ruling triumvirate of FRELIMO, became president of the People’s Republic of Mozambique.
FRELIMO’s supreme body is the Congress of the party; between congresses supreme authority is exercised by the Central Committee. The press organs of FRELIMO are Mozambique Revolution (in English), Boletin de informação (in Portuguese), and Bulletin d’information (in French).