
(redirected from localized chronic pemphigoid)


 [pem´f…ĭ-goid] 1. resembling pemphigus.2. any of a group of skin disorders similar to but clearly distinguishable from pemphigus.benign mucosal pemphigoid a chronic bullous disease of elderly persons, involving primarily the mucous membranes, particularly the conjunctiva and oral mucosa, with scarring.bullous pemphigoid a usually mild, relatively benign, self-limited blistering skin disease, predominantly affecting elderly persons. IgE antibodies are found at the basement membrane.localized chronic pemphigoid a form in which bulla formation is confined for many years to a circumscribed region, with scarring but without affecting the mucous membranes.


(pem'fi-goyd), 1. Resembling pemphigus. 2. A disease resembling pemphigus but significantly distinguishable histologically (nonacantholytic) and clinically (generally benign course). [G. pemphix, blister, + eidos, resemblance]


adjective Referring to pemphigus.
noun Any of a number of conditions that simulate bullous pemphigoid.


adjective Referring to pemphigus noun A condition that simulates bullous pemphigoid. See Bullous pemphigoid, Juvenile pemphigoid.


(pem'fi-goyd) 1. Resembling pemphigus. 2. A disease resembling pemphigus but significantly distinguishable histologically (nonacantholytic) and clinically (generally benign course). [G. pemphix, blister, + eidos, resemblance]


A rare, persistent, autoimmune skin disease featuring large blisters that are sometimes intensely itchy. Compare PEMPHIGUS. Treatment is with corticosteroid or immunosuppressant drugs.


(pem'fi-goyd) 1. Resembling pemphigus. 2. A disease resembling pemphigus but significantly distinguishable histologically and clinically. [G. pemphix, blister, + eidos, resemblance]