释义 |
myeloplast myeloplast [mi´ĕ-lo-plast″] any leukocyte of the bone marrow.my·e·lo·plast (mī'ĕ-lō-plast'), Any of the leukocytic series of cells in the bone marrow, especially young forms. [myelo- + G. plastos, formed] myeloplast (1) An older term for a cell that gives rise to a daughter cell of myeloid lineage; e.g., myeloid stem cell. (2) A dedifferentiated cell capable of autonomous proliferation; e.g., meyloblastmy·e·lo·plast (mī'ĕ-lō-plast) Any of the leukocytic series of cells in the bone marrow, especially young forms. [myelo- + G. plastos, formed] |