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DictionarySeethresholdauditory threshold
threshold [thresh´old] 1. the level that must be reached for an effect to be produced, as the degree of intensity of stimulus that just produces a sensation.2. that value at which a stimulus just produces a sensation, is just appreciable, or comes just within the limits of perception.3. renal t.auditory threshold the slightest perceptible sound.threshold of consciousness the lowest limit of sensibility; the point of consciousness at which a stimulus is barely perceived.defibrillation threshold DFT; the minimum amount of energy in joules that will consistently terminate fibrillation" >ventricular fibrillation.fibrillation threshold the least intensity of an electrical impulse that will cause cardiac tissue to begin fibrillation.pacing threshold the minimal electrical stimulus required to produce consistent cardiac depolarization.renal threshold that concentration of a substance (substance" >threshold substance) in plasma at which it begins to be excreted in the urine.sensing threshold in pacing" >cardiac pacing terminology, the voltage of the minimum signal that consistently activates generator" >pulse generator function.au·di·to·ry thresh·oldthe level at which sound becomes audible.auditory thresholdThe minimum audible sound perceived.See also: thresholdFinancialSeeThreshold |