

 [mi″o-ep″ĭ-the´le-um] tissue made up of contractile epithelial cells. adj., adj myoepithe´lial.


(mī'ō-ep'i-thē'lē-ŭm), Spindle-shaped, contractile, smooth musclelike cells of epithelial origin that are arranged longitudinally or obliquely around sweat glands and the secretory alveoli of the mammary gland; stellate myoepithelial cells occur around lacrimal and some salivary gland secretory units. Synonym(s): muscle epithelium [myo- + epithelium]


(mī'ō-ep-i-thē'lē-ŭm) Spindle-shaped, contractile, smooth musclelike cells of epithelial origin that are arranged longitudinally or obliquely around sweat glands and the secretory alveoli of the mammary gland; stellate myoepithelial cells occur around lacrimal and some salivary gland secretory units.