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microradiography[¦mī·krō‚rād·ē′äg·rə·fē] (analytical chemistry) Technique for the study of surfaces of solids by monochromatic-radiation (such as x-ray) contrast effects shown via projection or enlargement of a contact radiograph. (graphic arts) The radiography of small objects having details too fine to be seen by the unaided eye, with optical enlargement of the resulting negative. microradiography
microradiography [mi″kro-ra″de-og´rah-fe] radiography under conditions that permit subsequent microscopic examination or enlargement of the radiograph up to several hundred linear magnifications.mi·cro·ra·di·og·ra·phy (mī'krō-rā'dē-og'ră-fē), Making radiographs of histologic sections of tissue for enlargement. See also: historadiography. mi·cro·ra·di·og·ra·phy (mī'krō-rā'dē-og'ră-fē) Making radiographs of histologic sections of tissue for enlargement. |