Thomas Johnson

Johnson, Thomas,

1732–1819, American political leader, b. Calvert co., Md. A lawyer, he served (1762–73) in the Maryland colonial assembly, where he became prominent in the fight against the Stamp Act (1765). He was a member (1774–77) of the Continental Congress, and he nominated (1775) George Washington as commander in chief of the Continental army. Johnson served as governor of Maryland (1777–79) and helped bring about Maryland's adoption of the Constitution. He served briefly (1791–93) as associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.


See biography by E. S. Delaplane (1927).

Johnson, Thomas

(1732–1819) Supreme Court justice; born in Calvert County, Md. He represented Maryland at the First Continental Congress (1774) and served as Maryland's first governor (1777–79). He was chief judge on Maryland's general court when President Washington named him to the U.S. Supreme Court (1791–93).