Sándor Gergely

Gergely, Sándor


Born Feb. 2, 1896, in Sopronkeresztúr; died June 14, 1966, in Budapest. Hungarian writer.

A collection of Gergely’s short stories, The Desert, was published in 1922. In his novels Peace (1924; Russian translation, Night Over Budapest, 1937) and The Amazing Life of Ficko Achrem (1925), the life of the urban lower classes is portrayed with elements of naturalism. His novels The Wood-borer (1929; Russian translation, 1933) and Something Is Being Prepared (1931; Russian translation, 1932) depict the underground activity of the Communists. From 1931 to 1945 he lived in the USSR. He is the author of the historical trilogy György Dozsa (vols. 1-3, 1936-54; Russian translation of vol. 1 under the title 1514, 1937) on the Hungarian peasant war and the novel The Drum Thunders (1934; Russian translation, 1936) about the peasant disturbances in Hungary under Horthy. Gergely’s novel Hot Summer, about the new Hungarian countryside, was published in 1952. In his novel The Thorny Path (1955; Russian translation, 1959), Gergely told how a member of the intelligentsia comes to join the workers’ movement. He received the Kossuth Prize in 1949 and 1956.


Felsöbb osztályba léphet. Budapest, 1964.
Valami készül. Szú. Embervásár. Budapest, 1967.
Emberek között, vols. 1-2. Budapest, 1968.


Illés, B. “Tvorchestvo A. Gergelia.” Inostrannaia kniga, 1932, no. 4.