Acronym | Definition |
SPLA➣Sudan People's Liberation Army |
SPLA➣Secretory Phospholipase A |
SPLA➣Service Provider License Agreement (Microsoft) |
SPLA➣Service Provider Licensing Agreement |
SPLA➣Southern Private Landlords Association (UK) |
SPLA➣Sindh Professors and Lecturers Association |
SPLA➣Sound Pressure Level (A-weighted) |
SPLA➣Singapore Polytechnic Life Arts (Singapore) |
SPLA➣Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association |
SPLA➣School of Planning and Landscape Architecture (Arizona Sate University) |
SPLA➣Sunderland Private Landlords Association (UK) |
SPLA➣SHARE Program Library Agency |
SPLA➣Speech-Language Pathology Assistant |
SPLA➣Severe Postlobectomy Atelectasis |
SPLA➣Saharawi Popular Liberation Army |
SPLA➣Single Purpose Licensing Agreement |
SPLA➣Sparsely Populated Livestock Area |
SPLA➣Student Patent Law Association |
SPLA➣State and Provincial Livestock Associations |
SPLA➣Software Product Line Architecture |
SPLA➣St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly (Russia) |
SPLA➣Saskatchewan Professional Locksmith Association (Canada) |
SPLA➣Sheridan Parkside Landlord Association (New York) |