SPLASudan People's Liberation Army
SPLASecretory Phospholipase A
SPLAService Provider License Agreement (Microsoft)
SPLAService Provider Licensing Agreement
SPLASouthern Private Landlords Association (UK)
SPLASindh Professors and Lecturers Association
SPLASound Pressure Level (A-weighted)
SPLASingapore Polytechnic Life Arts (Singapore)
SPLASaskatchewan Pro-Life Association
SPLASchool of Planning and Landscape Architecture (Arizona Sate University)
SPLASunderland Private Landlords Association (UK)
SPLASHARE Program Library Agency
SPLASpeech-Language Pathology Assistant
SPLASevere Postlobectomy Atelectasis
SPLASaharawi Popular Liberation Army
SPLASingle Purpose Licensing Agreement
SPLASparsely Populated Livestock Area
SPLAStudent Patent Law Association
SPLAState and Provincial Livestock Associations
SPLASoftware Product Line Architecture
SPLASt. Petersburg Legislative Assembly (Russia)
SPLASaskatchewan Professional Locksmith Association (Canada)
SPLASheridan Parkside Landlord Association (New York)