Riverbank State Park

Riverbank State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:West 145th Street and Riverside Drive in Manhattan.
Facilities:Picnic areas (é), restaurant (é), indoor and outdoor swimming pools(é), outdoor amphitheater, indoor cultural theater (é), athleticcomplex with fitness room, running track, soccer/football field, 4tennis courts, 4 basketball courts, 4 handball courts, softball field,indoor skating rink (é), 2 playgrounds (é), boat dockage,scenic views.
Activities:Swimming, hiking, tennis, softball, basketball, handball, football,soccer, ice skating, roller skating, recreation and cultural programs.
Special Features:The park's multi-level recreational facility rises 69 feet above theHudson River and offers a wide variety of recreational, athletic, andarts experiences for all ages, interests, and abilities. In addition tooutdoor recreation facilities, five major buildings house anOlympic-size swimming pool, covered skating rink, an 800-seat culturaltheater, a 2,500-seat athletic complex, and a 150-seat restaurant.
Address:679 Riverside Dr
New York, NY 10031

Web: www.nysparks.com/parks/info.asp?parkId=75
Size: 28 acres.

See other parks in New York.