

单词 pompe disease

Pompe disease

Pompe disease

[′pämp di‚zēz] (medicine) A hereditary glycogen storage disease in humans arising from deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme and characterized by weakness, enlargement of the heart and cardiac failure, enlargement of the tongue, and moderate enlargement of the liver.

Pompe disease

Pompe disease

Glycogen storage disease, type II, see there.

gly·co·ge·no·sis type 2

(glī'kō-jĕ-nō'sis tīp) Disorder due to lysosomal α-1,4-glucosidase deficiency, resulting in accumulation of excessive glycogen of normal chemical structure in heart, muscle, liver, and nervous system.
Synonym(s): Pompe disease.

Pompe disease

(pomp) [Johann Cassianus Pompe, 20th-cent. Dutch physician] Glycogen storage disease type II.


Johann C., 20th century Dutch physician. Pompe disease - glycogenosis due to lysosomal alpha-1,4-glucosidase deficiency. Synonym(s): Pompe syndrome; type 2 glycogenosisPompe syndrome - Synonym(s): Pompe disease

Patient discussion about Pompe disease

Q. help with tingling in the hands amd numness A. I have experienced the same conditions in the past on numerous occasions. The malady, more than likely, is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. You should consult a neurologist for a diagnosis.

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