

单词 skiascopy




S0448500 (skī-ăs′kə-pē)n. pl. ski·as·co·pies See retinoscopy.
[Greek skiā, shadow + -scopy.]


(skaɪˈæskəpɪ) n (Medicine) med another name for retinoscopy





an objective method used to determine ocular refraction. Skiascopy is based on the effect of even pupilar luminescence when the eye is illuminated with a beam of light reflected from a mirror. The turning of the mirror produces a moving shadow on the background of the illuminated pupil. The position of the shadow in the pupil depends specifically on the refraction of the eye. Skiascopy is used in ophthalmology to determine the type of ocular refraction or the degree of myopia and astigmatism.


Titov, I. I. Skiaskopiia. Leningrad, 1941.
Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po glaznym bolezniam, vol. 1, book 1. Moscow, 1962.




(ret'i-nos'kŏ-pē), A method of determining errors of refraction by illuminating the retina and observing the rays of light emerging from the eye. Synonym(s): scotoscopy, shadow test, skiascopy [retino- + G. skopeō, to view]


(skī-ăs′kə-pē)n. pl. skiasco·pies See retinoscopy.


(ret'i-nos'kŏ-pē) A method of determining errors of refraction by illuminating the retina and observing the rays of light emerging from the eye.
Synonym(s): shadow test, skiascopy.
[retino- + G. skopeō, to view]



retinoscopy (ret) 

The determination of the refractive state of the eye by means of a retinoscope. Syn. skiascopy; shadow test. See chromoretinoscopy.
dynamic retinoscopy Retinoscopy performed with the patient fixating binocularly a near object such as a letter, a word, or a picture mounted on, or held close to, the retinoscope and wearing the distance correction. No working distance lens power is subtracted or added to the finding since the plane of regard is at the same distance as the retinoscope. Syn. book retinoscopy (this term is restricted to the case when the patient is reading a text); cognitive retinoscopy (when the patient fixates a single letter or reads some words); near point retinoscopy. See lag of accommodation; objective accommodation; MEM retinoscopy; Mohindra's technique of retinoscopy; static retinoscopy.
MEM retinoscopy A type of dynamic retinoscopy in which the retinoscope is held in the same plane as the near fixation target and lenses are interposed very briefly in front of one eye, while the other eye fixates the target. The aim of the method is to estimate the fundus reflex motion without disturbing the accommodative stance, that is, by leaving each lens in front of one eye for less than one second, until the neutral point is achieved. The results in non-presbyopic subjects generally show a lag of accommodation of 0 to +0.75 D. Note: MEM is an acronym of 'monocular estimate method'.
Mohindra's technique of retinoscopy Retinoscopy performed in a darkened room at 50 cm (20 inches) with the patient fixating the retinoscope light monocularly (the other eye being occluded). Distance retinoscopic refraction is derived by adding −1.00 D (to take into account the working distance and the state of accommodation in the dark) to the value found by near retinoscopy. The technique is used in paediatric optometry. Syn. monocular near retinoscopy. See resting state of accommodation; dynamic retinoscopy; MEM retinoscopy.
near point retinoscopy See dynamic retinoscopy; Mohindra's technique of.
static retinoscopy Retinoscopy performed with the patient fixating a target at distance or with accommodation paralysed.




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