Paid bond company, requested money back

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Country: United States of America
State: TexasI had to pay a bond company (Aaron Federal Bonding Agency in Houston, TX) $7,500 for an immigration bond in installments starting in August 2001. My case went fine and was granted an adjustment of status under section 245 in May 2005, since I am married to my US citizen husband. I called the bond agency to request my money back as they said they would pay back the full amount, but I was told that they have a waiting list of repayment and they have no idea when I will see my money. What can I do to get my money back? Please help me with advice to make the right steps to get my money back ASAP.


Based on what you say here, you could probably file suit against them (or at least threaten to do so) in small claims court or in regular court; filing in small claims court is easier and requires no could try to collect all of the costs and damages that you suffered due to their behavior... You may also report them to your state attorney general's office.