释义 |
been B0156500 (bĭn)v.Past participle of be.been (biːn; bɪn) vb the past participle of be1be (bi; unstressed bi, bɪ) v. and auxiliary v., pres. sing. 1st pers. am, 2nd are, 3rd is, pres. pl. are; past sing. 1st pers. was, 2nd were, 3rd was, past pl. were; pres. subj. be; past subj. sing. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pers. were; past subj. pl. were; past part. been; pres. part. be•ing. v.i. 1. to exist or live: Shakespeare's “To be or not to be” is the ultimate question. 2. to take place; occur: The wedding was last week. 3. to occupy a place or position: The book is on the table. 4. to continue or remain as before: Let things be. 5. to belong; attend; befall: May good fortune be with you. 6. (used as a copula to connect the subject with its predicate adjective, or predicate nominative, in order to describe, identify, or amplify the subject): He is tall. She is president. 7. (used as a copula to introduce or form interrogative or imperative sentences): Is that right? Be quiet! auxiliary verb. 8. (used with the present participle of another verb to form progressive tenses): I am waiting. We were talking. 9. (used with the infinitive of the principal verb to indicate a command, arrangements, or future action): He is to see me today. You are not to leave before six. 10. (used with the past participle of another verb to form the passive voice): The date was fixed. 11. (used in archaic or literary constructions with some intransitive verbs to form perfect tenses): He is come. [before 900; Middle English; Old English bēon; akin to Old Frisian, Old High German bim (I) am, Latin fuī (I) have been, Greek phýein to grow, become] usage: See me. Be Chem. Symbol. beryllium. be- a prefix with the original sense “about,” “around,” “all over,” hence having an intensive and often disparaging force; used as a verb formative (becloud; besiege), and often serving to form transitive verbs from intransitives or from nouns: belabor; befriend; belittle. [Middle English, Old English, unstressed form of bī by1] B.E. 1. Bachelor of Education. 2. Bachelor of Engineering. Translations- I've never been to ... → 我从没有去过...
- There's been a misunderstanding → 这里面有误会
- There's been an accident! → 出车祸了!
been EncyclopediaSeeBeMedicalSeeOFFinancialSeeBEBEEN
Acronym | Definition |
BEEN➣Ballistic Electron Emission | BEEN➣Baltic Energy Efficiency Network (est. 2008) | BEEN➣Berkshire Environmental Educators Network (New Marlborough, MA) | ThesaurusSeewith |