Radic, Ante

Radić, Ante


(Antun Radić). Born June 11, 1868, in Trebar-jevo Desno; died Feb. 10, 1919, in Zagreb. Croatian public figure, political leader, ethnographer, and sociologist.

Together with his brother, S. Radić, A. Radić founded the Croatian Peasant Party (1904) and was its ideologist. In 1900 he began publishing Dom, a newspaper for peasants, in which he developed the theories of a single peasant class, peasant democracy, and a peasant state as classless phenomena. Radić advocated Croatian-Serbian unity. He emphasized Russia’s role in the national liberation of the South Slavs; he was an opponent of clericalism.


Sabrana djela [vols.] 1–19. Zagreb, 1936–39.