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those T0180500 (thōz)pron. & adj. Plural of that. [Middle English thos, from Old English thās, these; see these.]those (ðəʊz) determinerthe form of that used before a plural noun[Old English thās, plural of this]that (ðæt; unstressed ðət) pron.andadj., pl. those; adv. ; conj. pron. 1. (used to indicate a person or thing as pointed out or present, mentioned before, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis): That is her mother. 2. (used to indicate one of two or more persons or things already mentioned, referring to the one more remote in place, time, or thought; opposed to this): This is my sister and that's my cousin. 3. (used to indicate one of two or more persons or things already mentioned, implying a contrast or contradistinction; opposed to this): This suit fits better than that. 4. (used as the subject or object of a relative clause, esp. one defining or restricting the antecedent, sometimes replaceable by who, whom, or which): the horse that he bought. 5. (used as the object of a preposition, the preposition standing at the end of a relative clause): the farm that I spoke of. 6. (used in various special or elliptical constructions): fool that he is. adj. 7. (used to indicate a person, place, thing, or degree as indicated, mentioned before, present, or as well-known or characteristic): That woman is her mother. 8. (used to indicate the more remote in time, place, or thought of two persons or things already mentioned; opposed to this): This room is his and that one is mine. 9. (used to imply mere contradistinction; opposed to this): not this house, but that one. adv. 10. (used with adjectives and adverbs of quantity or extent) to the extent or degree indicated: Don't take that much. 11. to a great extent or degree: It's not that important. 12. Dial. (used to modify an adjective or another adverb) to such an extent: He was that weak he could hardly stand. conj. 13. (used to introduce a subordinate clause as the subject or object of the principal verb or as the necessary complement to a statement made, or a clause expressing cause or reason, purpose or aim, result or consequence, etc.): I'm sure that you'll like it. That he will come is certain. 14. (used elliptically to introduce an exclamation expressing desire, indignation, or other strong feeling): Oh, that I had never been born! Idioms: 1. at that, a. nevertheless. b. in addition; besides. 2. that is, to be more accurate: I read the book, that is, I read most of it. 3. that's that, Informal. there is no more to be said or done: I'm not going, and that's that! 4. with that, following that; thereupon. [before 900; Middle English; Old English thæt (pronoun, adj., adv. and conjunction), orig., neuter of sē the, c. Old Frisian thet, Old Saxon, Old Norse that, Old High German daz, Greek tó, Skt tad] usage: When that introduces a relative clause, the clause is usu. restrictive, that is, essential to the complete meaning of the sentence. In The keys that I lost last month have been found, the keys referred to are a particular set. Without the that clause, the sentence The keys have been found would be vague and probably puzzling. that is used to refer to animate and inanimate nouns and thus can substitute in most uses for who(m) and which: Many of the workers that (or who) built the pyramids died while working. The negotiator made an offer that (or which) was very attractive to the union.―The relative pronoun that is sometimes omitted. Its omission as a subject is usu. considered nonstandard, but the construction is heard occasionally even from educated speakers: A fellow (that) lives near here takes people rafting. Most often it is as an object that the relative pronoun is omitted. The omission almost always occurs when the dependent clause begins with a personal pronoun or a proper name; the usage in the following examples is standard in all varieties of speech and writing: The mechanic (that) we take our car to is very reliable. The films (that) Chaplin made have become classics.―The conjunction that is sometimes omitted, often after verbs of thinking, saying, believing, etc.: She said (that) they would come in separate cars. This omission almost always occurs when the dependent clause begins with a personal pronoun or a proper name and is most frequent in informal speech and writing. See also which. that thoseThat and those are used in different ways when you are referring to people, things, events, or periods of time. They can both be determiners or pronouns. In this use, that is pronounced /ðæt/. Those is the plural form of that. 1. referring backYou can use that or those to refer to people, things, or events that have already been mentioned or that are already known about. I knew that meeting would be difficult.'Did you see him?' 'No.' 'That's a pity.'Not all crimes are committed for those reasons.There are still a few problems with the software, but we're working hard to remove those.2. things you can seeYou can also use that or those to refer to people or things that you can see but that are not close to you. Look at that bird!Don't be afraid of those people.3. 'that', referring to a personHowever, you don't usually use that as a pronoun to refer to a person. You only use it when you are identifying someone or asking about their identity. 'Who's the woman in the red dress?' 'That's my wife.'Who's that?4. saying when something happenedWhen you have been describing an event, you can use that with a word like day, morning, or afternoon to say that something else happened during the same day. There were no classes that day.Paula had been shopping that morning.You can also use that with week, month, or year to show that something happened during the same week, month, or year. There was a lot of extra work to do that week.Later that month they attended another party at Maidenhead.5. 'this' and 'these'This and these are used in some similar ways to that and those. See this - thatTranslationsthose See:- (just) one of those days
- all things come to those who wait
- along those lines
- and those
- God helps them that help themselves
- God helps those who help themselves
- God takes soonest those he loveth best
- good things come to those who wait
- heaven helps those who help themselves
- in those parts
- It's just one of those things
- just one of those things
- not one's day, this is
- one of those days
- one of those things
- pay (for something) cash on delivery
- pay (for something) COD
- pay (for something) collect on delivery
- sack up
- salt (something) with (something)
- salvage (something) from (something or some place)
- sand down
- save for (someone or something)
- saw (something) off of (something)
- saw down
- saw off
- scoop (something) out of (something else)
- scoop out
- scoot down
- screw (something) into (something)
- screw down
- screw in
- scrub (something) out of (something else)
- scupper up
- seam (something) with (something)
- season (something) with (something)
- secure against (someone or something)
- sell (something) on credit
- sell at (something)
- sell for (something)
- sell for a song
- send (someone or something) back (to some place) for (something)
- send (someone or something) by (some means)
- send (someone or something) from (some place)
- send (someone or something) to (someone, something, or some place)
- send (something) cash on delivery
- send (something) COD
- send (something) collect on delivery
- send down for (something)
- send in for (someone or something)
- send into (something or some place)
- send over
- send under
- serve (something) for (something or some reason)
- serve (something) in (something or some place)
- serve (something) to (someone or something)
- serve around
- set (something) for (something)
- set (something) over (something)
- set (something) to music
- set forth on (something)
- set off on (something)
- shake out
- shoot out
- shroud (something) in (something else)
- slant against (someone or something)
- slant toward (someone or something)
- slap against (someone or something)
- sling (something) at (someone or something)
- slip across
- slip back
- slip down
- slip over
- slip past (someone or something)
- slob up
- slop along
- slop around
- slop on
- slop onto
- slop out
- slop over
- slope away from (something)
- slope down
- slope toward (something)
- slope up
- slosh around
- slosh over
- slosh through (something)
- sluice down
- sluice out
- slush up
- smooth (something) onto (someone or something)
- smooth back
- smooth down
- smuggle (someone or something) across
- smuggle (someone or something) in (something or some place)
- smuggle (someone or something) into (some place)
- smuggle (someone or something) past (someone or something)
- smuggle (someone or something) through (something or some place)
- snap in
- snap into (something)
- snap off
- snap on
- snap onto (something)
- snatch (someone or something) from (someone or something else)
- snatch (someone or something) out of (something)
- snip (something) off of (something else)
- snip off
- snork down
- soak (something) off of (something else)
- soak off
- sob out
- sob to (one)
- spear out
- spiel off
- spit in (something)
- spit into (something)
- spit on (someone or something)
- spit onto (someone or something)
- splash about
- splash all over (someone or something)
- splash around
- splash on (someone or something)
- splash onto (someone or something)
- splash over
- splash up (something)
- splatter up (something)
- splay out
- splice (something) to (something else)
- splice together
- split between (two or more people or things)
- split in (number or fraction)
- split into (number or fraction)
- split with (one)
- sponge away
- sponge from (someone or something)
- sponge up
- spoon up
- spray (something) onto (someone or something)
- spray on
- spread (something) under (someone or something)
- spread (something) with (something)
- spread across (something or some place)
- spread all over (something or some place)
- spread around
- spread on
- spread onto (something or some place)
- spread over (someone or something)
- spread to (someone, something, or some place)
- sprinkle (something) on (someone or something)
- spurt out
- spurt out of (something)
- squander (something) on (someone or something)
- squander away
- square up against (someone or something)
- square up with (someone or something)
- squash down
- squash in
- squash into (something)
- squash up
- squash up against (someone or something)
- squeeze (something) from (someone or something)
- squeeze together
- squeeze up
- squeeze up against (someone or something)
- squirt at (someone or something)
- squirt from (something)
- squirt out
- squirt out of (something)
- stack (something) against (someone or something)
- stain (something) with (something)
- stake off
- stamp (something) onto (someone or something)
- stamp (something) out of (someone or something)
- stamp on (someone or something)
- stamp out (something) from (someone or something)
- start (off) with a bang
- start off with (someone or something)
- start up with (someone or something)
- start with (someone or something)
- stash (something) in (something)
- stash away
- stick out to (someone or something)
- stick through (someone or something)
- stiffen up
- stitch (something) onto (something else)
- stitch on
- stock (something) with (something else)
- store (something) in (something or some place)
- stretch out to (someone, something, or some place)
- strum on (something)
- stuff down
- subdivide into (something)
- suck from (something)
- suffix (something) onto (something else)
- suggest (something) to (one)
- superimpose (someone or something) on(to) (someone or something
- supply (someone or something) with (someone or something)
- sweep back
- sweep down
- swish (something) off of (someone or something)
- swish around
- tack (something) onto (something else)
- tack down
- tailor (something) to (someone or something)
- taint (something) with (something)
- tap down
- tear (something) on (something)
- The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth
- the Lord helps those who help themselves
- there are plenty more where that/(one) came from
- There's none so blind as those who will not see
- there's none so deaf as those that will not hear
- There's none so deaf as those who will not hear
- those are the breaks
- those that have, get more
- those were the days
- Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
- Those who can, do; those who can't, teach
- those who can't do, teach
- those who have, get more
- those who live by the sword, die by the sword
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