Rock Creek Station State Historical Park
Rock Creek Station State Historical Park
Location:6 miles east of Fairbury.
Facilities:Visitor/interpretive center, picnic areas, hiking and nature trails,restrooms; camping and other facilities available at the adjacent RockCreek Station State Recreation Area (see separate entry).
Activities:Picnicking, hiking.
Special Features:Once a stage and Pony Express station, Rock Creek was also the placewhere "Wild Bill" Hickok shot David McCanles, beginning his bloodycareer as a gunfighter. Archeologists have investigated and excavatedsites of two ranches dating back to 1858-1860, and the reconstructionof the buildings and corrals at both ranches is now complete. Thepark's visitor center interprets the ranches and other aspects of thehistory of the area.
Address:57426 710th Rd
Fairbury, NE 68352
Size: 353 acres.
See other parks in Nebraska.