posterior ramus of lateral cerebral sulcus

posterior ramus of lateral cerebral sulcus

[TA] the long, posteriorly-directed continuation of the lateral cerebral sulcus that extends between the temporal lobe inferiorly and the parietal lobe superiorly, its termination is surrounded by the supramarginal gyrus. Synonym(s): posterior branch of lateral cerebral sulcus, ramus posterior sulci lateralis cerebri

pos·te·ri·or ra·mus of lat·er·al cer·e·bral sul·cus

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr rā'mŭs lat'ĕr-ăl ser'ĕ-brăl sŭl'kŭs) [TA] The long, posteriorly directed continuation of the lateral cerebral sulcus that extends between the temporal lobe inferiorly and the parietal lobe superiorly; its termination is surrounded by the supramarginal gyrus.