sleep drunkenness


 inebriation.sleep drunkenness a condition of prolonged transition from sleep to waking, with partial alertness, disorientation, drowsiness, poor coordination, and sometimes excited or violent behavior.

sleep drunk·en·ness

a half-waking condition in which the faculty of orientation is in abeyance, and under the influence of nightmarelike ideas the person may become actively excited and violent. Synonym(s): somnolentia (2)

sleep inertia

The time it takes to become fully alert after waking; it is most marked in the first 10-15 minutes after awakening, but can last hours, and is worse with chronic sleep deprivation and circadian misalignment.

sleep drunkenness

Sleep disorders A form of hypersomnia in which full alertness is not achieved for a prolonged period of time after awakening; SD is characterized by automatic behaviors, disorientation, drowsiness, unsteadiness. See Narcolepsy, Sleep deprivation, Sleep disorders.

sleep drunk·en·ness

(slēp drungkĕn-nĕs) Half-waking condition in which the faculty of orientation is in abeyance, and under the influence of nightmarelike ideas, the person may become actively excited and violent.
Synonym(s): somnolentia.