posterior vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery

posterior vestibular branch of vestibulocochlear artery

[TA] origin: terminal branch, with cochlear branch, of vestibulocochlear artery; distribution: utricle and (especially ampulla of) posterior semicircular duct. Synonym(s): ramus vestibularis posterior arteriae vestibulocochlearis [TA]

pos·te·ri·or ves·tib·u·lar branch of ves·ti·bu·lo·coch·le·ar ar·te·ry

(pos-tēr'ē-ŏr ves-tib'yū-lăr branch ves-tib'yū-lō-kok'lē-ăr ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, terminal branch, with cochlear branch, of vestibulocochlear artery; distribution, utricle and (especially ampulla of) posterior semicircular duct.