seesaw nystagmus

see·saw nys·tag·mus

a nystagmus in which one eye moves upward as the other moves downward, often combined with a torsional rotation (down and out, on and in-as in a see-saw).

seesaw nystagmus

Torsional-vertical ocular oscillation Neurology A rare oscillatory oculomotor phenomenon, in which one eye rises and intorts, while the other falls and extorts, seen in bitemporal hemianopia due to sellar or parasellar lesions Etiology Tumors of parasellar region and diencephalon, brainstem vascular lesions, multiple sclerosis, syringobulbia, trauma, Chiari malformation Management Surgical decompression. Cf 'Railroad' nystagmus.

seesaw nystagmus

Nystagmus in which the inturning eye moves up and the opposite eye moves down, and then both eyes move in the opposite direction.See also: nystagmus