Seessel pouch

Sees·sel pock·et

(sē'sĕl), the part of the embryonic foregut extending cephalad to the level of the oral plate and caudal to the adenohypophysial diverticulum. Synonym(s): preoral gut

Seessel pouch

S05-846800 (sē′sĕl) [Albert Seessel, U.S. embryologist and neurologist, 1850–1910] In the embryo, a small ectodermal diverticulum of the foregut close to the buccopharyngeal membrane.


Albert, U.S. embryologist, 1850-1910. Seessel pocket - the part of the embryonic foregut extending cephalad to the level of the oral plate and caudal to the pituitary diverticulum. Synonym(s): preoral gutSeessel pouch