Tadzhik University

Tadzhik University


(full name, V. I. Lenin Tadzhik University), an educational institution founded in 1948 in Dushanbe and named after V. I. Lenin in 1957. The university has (1975) departments of mechanics and mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, law, history, economics, Tadzhik philology, Russian language and literature, and Oriental languages (Persian and Arabic). There are also evening, correspondence, and preparatory divisions, a graduate school (classes are conducted in Tadzhik and Russian), 68 subdepartments, three special problem laboratories, a botanical garden, a computer laboratory, a scientific research department, and a library with about 700,000 volumes. In the 1974–75 academic year, the university had an enrollment of 11,200 students and a staff of about 860 teachers and research workers, including ten academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Tadzhik SSR, 28 professors and doctors of sciences, and 375 docents and candidates of sciences. The university publishes Uchenye zapiski (Scholarly Notes, since 1952). Since its founding, the university has trained more than 20,000 specialists.