Rakhmaninov, Ivan
Rakhmaninov, Ivan Gerasimovich
Born approximately in the mid-1750’s; died Jan. 27, 1807. Russian publisher, translator, and Enlightenment figure.
Rakhmaninov was of gentry origin. In the 1780’s he published his own translations of Voltaire. In 1788 he opened a printing establishment in St. Petersburg and published his own journal, Utrennie chasy (Morning Hours), and I. A. Krylov’s journal Pochta dukhov (Spirits’ Mail) from 1788 to 1790. In 1791 he transferred the printing establishment to his estate, Kazinka, near Kozlov. There he began publishing a 20-volume edition of the complete collected works of Voltaire, of which three parts appeared. In January 1794, Rakhmaninov’s printing establishment was shut down by the authorities. Nothing is known about his public life in subsequent years.
Berkov, P. N. Istoriia russkoi zhurnalistiki X VIII v. Moscow-Leningrad, 1952.Polonskaia, 1. M. “I. G. Rakhmaninov—izdatel’ sochinenii Vol’tera.” Trudy Gosudarstvennoi biblioteki SSSR im. V. I. Lenina, vol. 8. Moscow, 1965.