Tributs, Vladimir Filippovich
Tributs, Vladimir Filippovich
Born July 15 (28), 1900, in St. Petersburg; died Aug. 8,1977, in Moscow. Soviet military leader and admiral (1943). Doctor of historical sciences (1972). Member of the CPSU since 1928.
Tributs began his naval career in February 1918. He fought in the Civil War of 1918–20 in the Astrakhan and Volga-Caspian flotillas and in the Naval Forces of the Caspian Sea. Tributs graduated from the M. V. Frunze Naval School in 1926 and from the Naval Academy in 1932. From 1926 to 1929 and from 1932 to 1936 he served aboard warships of the Order of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. From February 1938 to April 1939 he was chief of staff of the Baltic Fleet.
From April 1939 to 1947, Tributs commanded the Baltic Fleet, successfully directing its operations during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45 in the defense of Tallinn, the Moonsund Islands, Hangö, and Leningrad. Under Tributs, the fleet helped break the blockade of Leningrad and liberate the Baltic region. In 1947 and 1948, Tributs served as deputy commander in chief of naval forces in the Far East. He subsequently occupied executive posts in the navy and the Ministry of Defense before retiring in February 1961.
Tributs has been awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, four Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of Ushakov First Class, the Order of Nakhimov First Class, the Order of the Red Star, and various medals.
Baltiitsy vstupaiut v boi. Kaliningrad, 1972.Baltiitsy nastupaiut. [Kaliningrad] 1968.