

单词 self



S0226300 (sĕlf)n. pl. selves (sĕlvz) 1. The total, essential, or particular being of a person; the individual: "An actor's instrument is the self" (Joan Juliet Buck).2. The essential qualities distinguishing one person from another; individuality: "He would walk a little first along the southern walls, shed his European self, fully enter this world" (Howard Kaplan).3. One's consciousness of one's own being or identity; the ego: "For some of us, the self's natural doubts are given in mesmerizing amplification by way of critics' negative assessments of our writing" (Joyce Carol Oates).4. One's own interests, welfare, or advantage: thinking of self alone.5. Immunology That which the immune system identifies as belonging to the body: tissues no longer recognized as self.pron. Myself, yourself, himself, or herself: a living wage for self and family.adj.1. Of the same character throughout.2. Of the same material as the article with which it is used: a dress with a self belt.3. Obsolete Same or identical.intr.v. selfed, self·ing, selfs To fertilize or pollinate itself. Used of hermaphroditic organisms.
[Middle English, selfsame, from Old English; see s(w)e- in Indo-European roots.]


(sɛlf) n, pl selves (sɛlvz) 1. the distinct individuality or identity of a person or thing2. a person's usual or typical bodily make-up or personal characteristics: she looked her old self again. 3. good self good selves rare a polite way of referring to or addressing a person (or persons), used following your, his, her, or their4. one's own welfare or interests: he only thinks of self. 5. (Philosophy) an individual's consciousness of his own identity or being6. (Philosophy) the self philosophy that which is essential to an individual, esp the mind or soul in Cartesian metaphysics; the ego7. (Breeds) a bird, animal, etc, that is a single colour throughout, esp a self-coloured pigeonpronnot standard myself, yourself, etc: seats for self and wife. adj8. of the same colour or material: a dress with a self belt. See also self-coloured9. obsolete the same[Old English seolf; related to Old Norse sjālfr, Gothic silba, Old High German selb]



n.andpron., pl. selves,
adj. n. 1. a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self. 2. a person's nature, character, etc.: his better self. 3. personal interest. 4. Philos. the subject of experience as contrasted with the object of experience; ego. 5. any of the natural constituents of the body that are normally not subject to attack by components of the immune system. pron. 6. myself, herself, etc.: to make a check payable to self. adj. 7. being the same throughout; uniform. 8. being of one piece with or the same material as the rest. 9. Obs. same. [before 900; Old English self, selfa, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon self, Old High German selb, Old Norse sjalfr, Gothic silba]


a combining form of self, appearing in various parts of speech, usu. with the implied notion that the agent and object or recipient of a given transitive predicate are identical (self-control; self-government; self-help; self-portrait), or that the subject of a given predicate acts or is effective without assistance (self-adhesive; self-loading; self-study).


See also psychology.
autodidacticsthe process of teaching oneself. — autodidact, n.autolatrythe worship of oneself.autologythe study of oneself.automaniaan excessive liking for solitude.autophiliaa kind of self-love; narcissism. — autophile, n. — autophilic, adj.autophobia, autophobyan abnormal fear of being by oneself. Also called eremiophobia, eremophobia, monophobia.autoplagiarismthe act or process of plagiarizing one’s own work.biosophya mode of life based on intuition and self-education in order to improve one’s character. — biosophist, n.egocentricitythe state of being self-centered; greater concern about the self than others to an excessive degree. — egocentric, n., adj.egocentrism1. the philosophy or attitude of considering oneself the center of the universe.
2. the state or quality of being self-centered. — egocentric, n., adj.
egoisman extreme individualism; thought and behavior based upon the premise that one’s individual self is the highest product, if not the totality, of existence. Cf. individualism. — egoist, n. — egoistic, adj.egomaniaa psychologically abnormal egotism. — egomaniac, n.egotheisma deification of self.egotismthe practice of thought, speech, and conduct expressing high self-regard or self-exaltation, usually without skepticism or humility. — egotist, n. — egotistical, adj.eremiophobia, eremophobiaautophobia.eremitism1. the state of being a hermit.
2. an attitude favoring solitude and seclusion. — eremite, n. — eremitic, adj.
extraversion, extroversionPsychology.
1. the act of directing one’s interest outward or to things outside the self.
2. the state of having thoughts and activities satisfied by things outside the self. Cf. introversion. — extravert, n. — extraversive, extravertive, adj.
factionalism, factionismthe state or quality of being partisan or self-interested. — factional, adj. — factionalist, n.individualismthe practice of independence in thought and action on the premise that the development and expression of an individual character and personality are of the utmost importance. Cf. egoism. — individualist, n. — individualistic, adj.individuationthe act or process of becoming an individual or distinct entity.introversion Psychology.1. the act of directing one’s interest inward or toward the self.
2. the state of being interested chiefly in one’s own inner thoughts, feelings, and processes. Cf. extraversion. — introvert, n. — introvertive, introversive, adj.
ipse-dixitisma dictatorial atmosphere brought about by a person’s demands based solely on his having uttered them.ipsisman individual identity; selfhood. Also ipseity.monologuea theatrical performance or scene with a single actor who speaks alone.monology1. the habit of talking to oneself; soliloquizing.
2. Obsolete a monologue. — monologist, n. — monologic, monological, adj.
monophobiaautophobia.narcissisman excessive admiration of oneself. Also narcism. — narcissist, narcist n. — narcissistic, narcistic, adj.nosismArchaic. the use of we in speaking of oneself.personalismthe individual or personal characteristics of a person or object. — personalist, n. — personalistic, adj.philautyObsolete, self love; an excessive regard for oneself.reclusionthe state of living apart from society, like a hermit. — recluse, n. — reclusive, adj.seclusionista person who seeks solitude or removes himself from the society of others; a recluse.selfismthe obsessive concentration on one’s self-interests. — selfist, n.soliloquy1. the act or custom of talking to oneself or talking when alone.
2. Drama, a speech in which a character reveals his thoughts to the audience but not to other characters in the play. — soliloquist, n.
1. the killing of oneself.
2. a person who has killed himself. — suicidal, adj.
vitativenessPhrenology. the organ serving as the seat of instincts of self-preservation.
Noun1.self - your consciousness of your own identityself - your consciousness of your own identityegoconsciousness - an alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation; "he lost consciousness"anima - (Jungian psychology) the inner self (not the external persona) that is in touch with the unconscious
2.self - a person considered as a unique individual; "one's own self"individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"number one - a reference to yourself or myself etc.; `take care of number one' means to put your own interests first
Adj.1.self - (used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self; "self-knowledge"; "self-proclaimed"; "self-induced"


noun1. personality, character, temperament, identity, temper, disposition, individuality She was back to her old self again.2. soul, spirit, psyche, heart of hearts, innermost feelings, inner person I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self.Related words
like egomania, megalomania


nounAn individual's awareness of what constitutes his or her essential nature and distinguishes him or her from all others:ego.


(self) plural selves (selvz) noun1. a person's own body and personality. 自身,自我 自身,自我 2. one's own personal interests or advantage. He always thinks first of self. 私利 私利,自身利益 ˈselfish adjective (negative unselfish) thinking of one's own pleasure or good and not considering other people. a selfish person/attitude. 自私的 自私的ˈselfishly adverb 自私地 自私地ˈselfishness noun 自私 自私ˈselfless adjective utterly unselfish. As a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty. 無私的 无私的ˈselflessly adverb 無私地 无私地ˈselflessness noun 大公無私 大公无私


  • a shadow of (one's) former self
  • a shadow of (one's) old self
  • a shadow of (oneself)
  • a shadow of your former self
  • assert (one)self
  • be a ghost of (someone or something's) former self
  • be a law unto (oneself)
  • be a shadow of (someone or something's) former self
  • be a shadow/ghost of your/its former self
  • bear (one)self
  • by (oneself)
  • deny (one)self
  • draw (oneself) up
  • drown in self-pity
  • expose (one)self
  • feel (like) (one)self
  • give (one) enough rope to hang (one)self
  • in a class by (one)self
  • kill (one)self
  • open (oneself) (up) to criticism
  • outsmart (one)self
  • pull oneself together, to
  • redeem (one)self
  • scratch for (one)self
  • screw (one)self up to concert pitch
  • self-care
  • self-made man
  • self-made man, a
  • self-praise is no praise (at all)
  • Self-praise is no recommendation
  • self-praise is no recommendation (at all)
  • self-preservation is the first law of nature
  • self-preservation is the name of the game
  • self-propelled sandbag
  • shadow of one's (former/old) self, a
  • shadow of one's self
  • shadow of oneself
  • shoot oneself in the foot, to
  • speak for (oneself)
  • the noble art (of self-defense)
  • to thine own self be true
  • top (one)self



1. an individual's consciousness of his own identity or being 2. Philosophy that which is essential to an individual, esp the mind or soul in Cartesian metaphysics; the ego 3. a bird, animal. etc., that is a single colour throughout, esp a self-coloured pigeon


a mental construction of the person, by the person, but inevitably formed from social experience. Thus the person sees him/herself reflected by others, in their reactions, and these are interpreted through the lattice of self-perception. MEAD (1934) is particularly associated with this idea of the self as being a social construction; self cannot exist without society – the self is where knowledge resides, but the knowledge is about society, which surrounds it. Theorists such as Mead and COOLEY (see SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM, LOOKING-GLASS SELF) and some sociologists also emphasize the REFLEXIVITY and creativity possessed by social actors. This view of the self and self-identity contrasts sharply with conceptions of DECENTRED SELF recently to the fore within POSTSTRUCTURALISM (e.g. LACAN).

The 'self also receives varied formulation within PSYCHOLOGY and PSYCHOANALYSIS (see EGO-PSYCHOLOGY, OBJECT RELATIONS SCHOOL, LACAN).

The concept of self is particularly important to developmental and HUMANISTIC psychologists. Humanistic theorists (e.g. MASLOW, 1954) see the goal of the individual as SELF-ACTUALIZATION. (See also SOCIAL IDENTITY, PERSONALITY).



in philosophy, the expression of the unity and identity of individual self-consciousness. The self is one of the basic structures of the individual personality as related to other individual personalities—for example, “you” or “we.” It is the central category in various systems of idealist philosophy, such as that of J. G. Fichte.

What does it mean when you dream about yourself?

To encounter one’s self in a dream indicates that one has come face to face with issues and needs that can no longer be ignored.


(language)A small, dynamically typed object-oriented language, based purely on prototypes and delegation.Self was developed by the Self Group at Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc. and Stanford University. It is anexperimental exploratory programming language.

Release 2.0 introduces full source-level debugging ofoptimised code, adaptive optimisation to shorten compilepauses, lightweight threads within Self, support fordynamically linking foreign functions, changing programswithin Self and the ability to run the experimental Selfgraphical browser under OpenWindows. Designed forexpressive power and malleability, Self combines a pure,prototype-based object model with uniform access to stateand behaviour. Unlike other languages, Self allows objects toinherit state and to change their patterns of inheritancedynamically. Self's customising compiler can generate veryefficient code compared to other dynamically-typedobject-oriented languages.

Version: 3.0 runs on Sun-3 (no optimiser) and Sun-4.


["Self: The Power of Simplicity", David Ungar et al, SIGPLAN Notices 22(12):227-242,OOPSLA '87, Dec 1987].



 [self] 1. a term used to denote an animal's own antigenic constituents, in contrast to “nonself" >nonself” (which denotes foreign antigenic constituents). The self constituents are metabolized without antibody formation, whereas the antigens that are nonself are eliminated through the immune response" >immune response mechanism. It has been postulated that there is a mechanism of “self recognition” that enables the organism to distinguish between self and nonself. See also immunity.2. the complete being of an individual, comprising both physical and psychological characteristics, and including both conscious and unconscious components. The concept of self is central to the jungian personality theory. See also Jung.therapeutic use of self the ability to use theory, experiential knowledge, and self-awareness, and to explore one's impact on others.




(self), 1. A sum of the attitudes, feelings, memories, traits, and behavioral predispositions that make up the personality. 2. The individual person as represented in his or her own awareness and in his or her environment. 3. A generalized, everyday term for ego or persona. 4. In immunology, an individual's autologous cell components as contrasted with non-self, or foreign, constituents; the basic mechanism underlying recognition of self from non-self is unknown, but serves to protect the host from an immunologic attack on the host's own antigenic constituents, as opposed to immune system destruction or elimination of foreign antigens.


(sĕlf)n. pl. selves 1. The total, essential, or particular being of a person; the individual.2. One's consciousness of one's own being or identity; the ego.3. That which the immune system identifies as belonging to the body.


adjective Referring to one’s own immune system; autologous.


(self) 1. A sum of the attitudes, feelings, memories, traits, and behavioral predispositions that make up the personality. 2. The person as represented in his or her own awareness and in his or her environment. 3. immunology A person's autologous cell components as contrasted with nonself, or foreign, constituents. The mechanism of recognition of self from nonself is unknown, but serves to protect from an immunologic attack on the host's own antigenic constituents, as opposed to immune system destruction or elimination of foreign antigens.


SELFSolar Electric Light Fund
SELFScience Education and Learning in Freedom (EU)
SELFSelf-Employment Loan Fund
SELFSingular Enformed Living Field
SELFSupplementary Expeditionary Landing Field/Facility
SELFSupport for Early Learning Foundations


Related to self: Self service, Self control, Self efficacy
  • noun

Synonyms for self

noun personality


  • personality
  • character
  • temperament
  • identity
  • temper
  • disposition
  • individuality

noun soul


  • soul
  • spirit
  • psyche
  • heart of hearts
  • innermost feelings
  • inner person

Synonyms for self

noun an individual's awareness of what constitutes his or her essential nature and distinguishes him or her from all others


  • ego

Synonyms for self

noun your consciousness of your own identity


  • ego

Related Words

  • consciousness
  • anima

noun a person considered as a unique individual

Related Words

  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • number one




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