ramus of mandible


 [ra´mus] (L.) branch.ramus commu´nicans (pl. ra´mi communican´tes), a branch connecting two nerves or two arteries.ramus of mandible a quadrilateral process projecting upwards from the posterior part of either side of the mandible.

ra·mus of man·di·ble

[TA] the upturned perpendicular extremity of the mandible on either side; it gives attachment on its lateral surface to the masseter muscle. Synonym(s): ramus mandibulae [TA]

ra·mus of man·di·ble

(rāmŭs mandi-bĕl) [TA] The vertical projection on either side of the mandible by which it articulates with the temporal bone.
Synonym(s): ramus mandibulae [TA] .