atrophic excavation


 [eks″kah-va´shun] 1. the act of hollowing out.2. a hollowed-out space, or pouchlike cavity.atrophic excavation cupping of the optic disk, due to atrophy of the optic nerve fibers.excavation of optic disk (physiologic excavation) a normally occurring depression in the center of the optic disk.rectouterine excavation Douglas' cul-de-sac.rectovesical excavation the space between the rectum and bladder in the peritoneal cavity of the male.vesicouterine excavation the space between the bladder and uterus in the peritoneal cavity of the female.

a·troph·ic ex·ca·va·tion

an exaggeration of the normal or physiologic cupping of the optic disc caused by atrophy of the optic nerve.

a·troph·ic ex·ca·va·tion

(ā-trō'fik eks'kă-vā'shŭn) An exaggeration of the normal or physiologic cupping of the optic disc caused by atrophy of the optic nerve.