

单词 submucosal plexus
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Submucosal Plexus

Submucosal Plexus


Meissner’s plexus (after the German scientist G. Meissner, 1829–1905), in vertebrates and man, the aggregation of bundles of neural fibers and clusters of nerve cells in the submucosa of the organs of the digestive tract.

The neural ganglia of the submucosal plexus are made up of poorly differentiated cells, whose number decreases with age, and two types of polydendritic neurons. The poorly differentiated cells divide and replace dead neurons. The first type of polydendritic neurons are motor cells that receive stimuli from the central nervous system through the vagus nerve and its parasympathetic sacral branches or from neurons of the second type. The second type are sensory cells outside the central nervous system that transmit stimuli to the smooth muscles or the glands of the organs that regulate the motor and secretory functions of the digestive tract.

submucosal plexus

sub·mu·co·sal plex·us

(sŭb'myū-kō'săl plek'sŭs) A gangliated plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers, derived chiefly from the superior mesenteric plexus, ramifying in the intestinal submucosa.

submucosal plexus

The division of the enteric plexus found in the submucosal layer of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The most superficial (closest to the lumen) layer of the submucosal plexus is also called the Meissner plexus. Synonym: submucous plexus See: Meissner plexusSee also: plexus


Georg, German anatomist and physiologist, 1829-1905. Meissner corpuscle - Synonym(s): tactile corpuscleMeissner ganglionMeissner plexus - a gangliated plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers. Synonym(s): submucosal plexus


Robert, Polish-German anatomist and histologist, 1815-1865. Remak bandRemak fibers - nerve fibers lacking a myelin sheath but, in common with others, enveloped by a sheath of Schwann cells. Synonym(s): unmyelinated fibersRemak ganglia - (1) groups of nerve cells in the wall of the venous sinus where it joins the right atrium of the heart; - (2) autonomic ganglia in nerves of the stomach.Remak nuclear division - direct division of the nucleus and cell, without the changes in the nucleus that occur in the ordinary process of cell reproduction. Synonym(s): amitosisRemak plexus - a gangliated plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers, derived chiefly from the superior mesenteric plexus, ramifying in the intestinal submucosa. Synonym(s): submucosal plexus
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